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LAND USE ELEMENT <br />224 000_'_'-~r9~ to 325,888,'~> persons according to the State Department of <br />Finance z~}3 estimates. Since 1980, the number ofpersons living in the City grew <br />by more than 73 percent. During this period of substantial population growth, the <br />number ofhowing units remained relatively stable. Other notable demographic <br />changes have occurred as well "I'he City's population is getting older. "I~he <br />median age ofthc population in 1980 was 26.2 years. By 2000, is had increased to <br />26.5 years compared to a median age of 33..3 years for the County overall. <br />REGIONAL CONTEXT <br />"I~hc City oFSanta Ana is located approximately 30 milts southeast of downtown <br />Los Angeles, and 10 miles northeast ofNewporz I3cach in the west-central section <br />of Orange County Santa Ana is bordered by the City of Orange, and <br />unincorporated areas oFOrange County on the north; the City of"I'usrin on the <br />case; the cities of Irvine and Costa Mcsa on the south; and the cities oFFouncain <br />Valley and Garden Grove on the west. Freeway access to the City of Santa Ana is <br />provided by the Garden Grove Freeway (SI2-22) and the Or.+nge Freewa}• (512-57) <br />on the norzh, the Santa Ana Freeway (I-5) on the northeast, the Costa Mesa <br />Freeway (SR-55) on the east, the San Diego Freeway (I-405) on the south. <br />REGIONAL TRENDS <br />Santa Ana is the largest City in Orange County in rerms of population (9a-2 <br />percent ofthc County population) and fourth in terms of land area (27.3 square <br />miles). Approximately 58 percent of the City's land area is developc-d with <br />residential uses. Commercial areas account for approximately IS percent of the <br />City's coral land area, and industrial uses cover approximately 14 percent. <br />"I'he City's January 2009?rpopulation is estimated by the California Department <br />of Finance co be 355.662_~T pcrsons. The 2009?,--housing stock consists of <br />75.856"''"~~dwelling units and the average household size is 4.7& pcrsons per <br />household. <br />'1-hc Cicy experienced rapid population growth From 1970 through 1990. The <br />City's population in 1970 was 155,710 persons. By 1990, the population had <br />increased to 293,742 pcrsons, representing an increase of 89 percent, while the <br />G'ounty's population increased by only 25 pe reent. Moreover, during this period of <br />intensive population growth, the number of housing units in the City only grew <br />by approximately 12 percent. "I-he Ciry's growth trends since 1990 have been more <br />modest and isare expected co continue ac approximately oneevav percent per year <br />through the year 2010. The City's housing production is likewise expected to <br />continue to be stable. "T~hcre has been little growth in housing over the last several <br />years; however, additional. infill housing is anticipated through 2015-H) <br />particularly in the City's District Centers. With even modest population growth at <br />:' the current rare ofhousing production, chc City is likely to continue to experience <br />F " `-" ~ arise in average household size. Resolution No. 20'10-025 <br />a ~ -a <br />..% _, ,,... Page 45 of 107 <br />q_y CITY OF SANTA ANA GENERAL PLAN <br />