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LAND USE ELEMENT <br />SPECIFIC PLANS <br />`The City of Sancti Ana has established Specific Plan areas co provide greater <br />Aexibilit}~ in the development standards contained in the City's C;eneral Plan and <br />!on ing Ordinancc.'I'hc Specific Plans were. established for planning areas which <br />would benefit from a comprehensive development scheme otherwise not 6e <br />possible under existing land use regulations. "These specific plans include: <br />North Harbor Boulevard Specific Plan applies to a 425-acre area covered by <br />the North Harbor loulevard Redevelopment Plan, as well as a ^umbcr of <br />adjacent residential parcels. Adopted in 1992, the Specific Plan outlines the <br />planned land uses and development standards for this area, as well as public <br />improvements needed to support chc anticipated uses. 'T'he Plan promotes <br />commercial development along Harbor Boulevarcl, while striving m <br />minimize incompatibility with adjacent residential uses. <br />Bristol Corridor Specific Plan applies to the 3.9-mile section oFBristol Scrccc <br />in the. central portion of the City. "This corridor includes a portion of the <br />project. area for the Bristol Street Corridor Redevelopment I'la n. "The Specific <br />flan utilizes chc potential mdevelopmcnt ofthe corridor as an opportunity to <br />upgrade the development character ofthe area, and w enhance the. viability of <br />commercial businesses. The process is being undertaken in coordination wide <br />the widening of Bristol Scrcct. <br />Midtown Specific Plan rcl?ulates development within the northern section of <br />Santa Ana's downtown area in order to create a thriving and integrated <br />district for civic, business, cultural and retail activities. "The Specific Plan <br />emphasizes the area's role. as the urban center ofthe City through standards <br />For development and urban design that promote pedestrian activity. <br />`I'hc location ofthe three specific plan areas arc noted in Exhibit A-6 in the Policy <br />flan. <br />Resolution No. 20'10-025 ;'; , ~ f' '"` P j~_-~__ 1 <br />Page 72 of 107 >--,.~~! r ~-~ ~~~--r~ <br />-- _._..T ~_ ----.~~-------------.~.~_._,_.-.-.--~._._.__,~ 5- -. -2 <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA GENERAL PLAN A-29 <br />