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Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program <br />INTRODUCTION <br />This section reflects the 1~Iitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (14I1\~IRP) requirements of Public <br />Resources Code (PRC) Section 21081.6. The California Environmental Qualit}> Act (CEQA) Guidelines <br />Section 15097 states: <br />_.. In order to ensure that Cite mitigation measures and project rea-isions identiFed iti the EIR ox <br />negative declaration are implemented, the public agency shall adopt a program for monitoring or <br />reporting on the reatisions which it has required iut the project and the tneasvres it has imposed to <br />mitigate or avoid significant environmental effects. A public agency Wray delegate reporting or <br />monitoring responsibilities to another public agency or to a private entity which accepts the <br />delegation; however, until mitigations measures have been completed the lead agency remauts <br />responsible For ensuring that implementation of the mitigation measures occurs ut accordance with <br />the progcatn. <br />ENFORCEMENT <br />In accordance with CEQA, the primary responsibility fox snaking determinations with respect to <br />potential environmental effects rests with the lead agent}' rather than the monitor or prepares. As such, <br />the City of Santa Ana is identified as the enforcement agent}' for this r1hI12P. <br />PROGRAM MODIFICATION <br />Af[er review and appro~>al b}' tl~e Lead agency, trtinor changes to the I411~•IRP are permitted but can only <br />be made by the Cit}' of Santa Ana. hlo deviations from this MI~IRP shall be permitted unless it continues <br />to satisf}> the xequiretnents of PRC Section 21081.6, as dctertnined by the lead agent}'- <br />MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM <br />The organization of the 1~•IM1Z1' follows the subsection formatting st}']e as presented ~vitltin the Transit <br />Zoning Code Em>ironmental Impact Report (EIR). Only those subsections of the ens>ironmctttal issues <br />presented in the EIR that have mitigation measures are provided below in Tabie 11-1 (l~litigation <br />Monitoring and Reporting Program I\4atri~). till other subsections in the EIR do not contain mitigation <br />measures. <br />80A-455 <br />