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<br /> <br /> <br /> 1 1. ADMINISTRATOR shall ensure that CONTRACTOR is made aware of <br /> 2 ADMINISTRATOR'S Code of Conduct. <br /> 3 2. CONTRACTOR shall ensure that its employees, subcontractors, interns, volunteers, and <br /> 4 members of Board of Directors or duly authorized agents, if appropriate, ("Covered Individuals") <br /> 5 relative to this Agreement are made aware of ADMINISTRATOR'S Code of Conduct. <br /> 6 3. CONTRACTOR has the option to adhere to ADMINISTRATOR'S Code of Conduct or <br /> 7 establish its own. <br /> 8 4. If CONTRACTOR elects to have its own Code of Conduct, then it shall submit a copy of its <br /> 9 Code of Conduct to ADMINISTRATOR within thirty (30) calendar days of award of this Agreement. <br /> 10 5. ADMINISTRATOR'S Compliance Officer shall determine if CONTRACTOR's Code of <br /> 11 Conduct is accepted. CONTRACTOR shall take necessary action to meet said standards or shall be <br /> 12 asked to acknowledge and agree to the ADMINISTRATOR's Code of Conduct. <br /> 13 6. Upon approval of CONTRACTOR's Code of Conduct by ADMINISTRATOR, <br /> 14 CONTRACTOR shall ensure that its employees, subcontractors, interns, volunteers, and members of <br /> 15 Board of Directors or duly authorized agents, if appropriate, ("Covered Individuals") relative to this <br /> 16 Agreement are made aware of CONTRACTOR's Code of Conduct. <br /> 17 7. If CONTRACTOR elects to adhere to ADMINISTRATOR's Code of Conduct then <br /> 18 CONTRACTOR shall submit to ADMINISTRATOR a signed acknowledgement and agreement that <br /> 19 CONTRACTOR shall comply with ADMINISTRATOR'S Code of Conduct. <br /> 20 8. Failure of CONTRACTOR to timely submit the acknowledgement of <br /> 21 ADMINISTRATOR'S Code of Conduct shall constitute a material breach of this Agreement, and failure <br /> 22 to cure such breach within sixty (60) calendar days of such notice from ADMINISTRATOR shall <br /> 23 constitute grounds for termination of this Agreement as to the non-complying party. <br /> 24 C. COVERED INDIVIDUALS - CONTRACTOR shall screen all Covered Individuals employed <br /> 25 or retained to provide services related to this Agreement to ensure that they are not designated as <br /> 26 "Ineligible Persons," as defined hereunder. Screening shall be conducted against the General Services <br /> 27 Administration's List of Parties Excluded from Federal Programs and the Health and Human <br /> 28 Services/Office of Inspector General List of Excluded Individuals/Entities. <br /> 29 1. Ineligible Person shall be any individual or entity who: <br /> 30 a. is currently excluded, suspended, debarred or otherwise ineligible to participate in the <br /> 31 federal health care programs; or <br /> 32 b. has been convicted of a criminal offense related to the provision of health care items or <br /> 33 services and has not been reinstated in the federal health care programs after a period of exclusion, <br /> 34 suspension, debarment, or ineligibility. <br /> 35 2. CONTRACTOR shall screen prospective Covered Individuals prior to hire or engagement. <br /> 36 CONTRACTOR shall not hire or engage any Ineligible Person to provide services relative to this <br /> 37 Agreement. <br /> CITY OF SANTA ANA 5 of 17 <br /> X:\CONTRACTS - 2010-\2010-201 I \MIHS\POD- PLAN-MASTER-10-1 1-BG. noc SAN 13-MAPODO 1 MIKK I I <br />