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Bill HUPKIt]5, ACCT'. II <br />L 1'I.'Y A`1'7'ORI+1 EY <br />SAP]FUkL 5Y5'1'L•'I•iS <br />Auy. 22, 1yFt9 <br />Charter S 421 i:HrmitS the City Council to autYiori2e the City <br />Manager' to enfier into contracts not exceeding $lU,000.OG iri ar,y <br />one contract. `1'1-is f~rovisioti teas beets auoptec~ in Santa Ar-a <br />Municipal Code ~i 2-tiUl. <br />Because the city is on a fiscal year basis and appro~}nations <br />are made in an adopted budget pursuant to Charter Si ii0y, we <br />have currstrued Charter g 421 and 5urltcl Ana t~iuriicipal Code <br />9 2-1s01 to mean a tiscUl year limitation on tl~e City Manager's <br />authority. , ode have also construed the sections to mean that <br />the City liarrager cannot exceetl the 10,000 lirut to any one <br />contractor . 7`l~ua, tine City N;anager cannot enter nultiple <br />contracts in any one year to the samH caritractor wl-pre the <br />multiple exceeus tlig limitation. <br />The ayreeuient with 5aniord Systems, entered into on <br />Septenir,er 9, 19b7, is a continuing contract terruinable on 30 <br />C+ixys notice. `1'I1e cornpensatiun in the aclreernPrrt CciIrrlot exc"_ed <br />$10,000 per year, which is consistent with our con:~ti.•uction of <br />the codes. <br />There is no reason to exalt form over substance by requiring a <br />separ«tA contract with Sanford Syster~is on a yearly oasis, su <br />long ab the liiaitatiun is built into the agreeroent. <br />Pleabe call it we n-ay provide any further irrtormatian. <br />EDWARD J . CUUYE~t <br />CI'T'Y ATTORN]Y <br />EJC:ar <br />cc: Jeff StPv~sns: <br />