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BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE § 11535 <br />(~) Any parcel or p;urels o! land divided into lots or parcels, each of a gross Wren <br />of forty (40) acres or nwre or e:u•h o{ n•Lich !s a quarter-ryuartcr section or larger, <br />or such other amount, up to 00 acre,, as may he s;tecified by local ordtnaaces. <br />(d) Submission of parcel or tentative map; waiver by ordinance <br />(d) In any case pru~•irlcd in snluli~-isiuns (c) (1), (c) ('?), and (c) (31 of this section, <br />and in any case provided in subclit•ision (b) or suhditisiou (c) (~) of this section un- <br />less tvait•ed D}• loc;,l ur~lin;,nci- ~ ,~r, hru~.irlccl in this section, at • • • <br />shall be submitted Co the ~;ut•crnin ~ Ixtd • ur adt•iso - Farrel Wrap <br />as pro~•ided in this chapter for sal t~lit•is ,ns) for ap irovnh as [o rt;rca, same manner <br />provement and ! ' ' ' int- <br />' ' ' desi;;n, flood and water drainage control, and as to all <br />mryuircn;ents of this section. <br />' • • TheThe~ed parcel map stton•ing each new parcel ^ • • shall be <br />filed with the recorder of the County + • - in t~•hicL the land is lorrtrd prior <br />to sale, lease, or financin;; of such parcels. Coaeeyances Wray he mode oP p:u•ccly <br />shoa•u on such map by nun,lN~r or other such designation. <br />In any case prm~irled in snhdit~i~ion (b) or snhclit•ision (cl (~t) of this ;cctlon a local <br />agency may, h.• or,linancc, prut•i,le a prnro,lure for tt•:,ivinfi the rnquirentent, i:a- <br />posed by this snhdit•isio;i. that a parcel uu,p he subntitter! to the got•eruint; i,odp <br />or adt•iory at;enc~• for al,l,rut;,l. In the c~•ent that such a wai~rr provision is pro- <br />eiderl by ]ocrl ordin:uu•e. the ordinance shall require ;t finding, by the go~•erninc <br />holy or a;h•isor}• a;;enc~•, that the proposed division of I;,nd cuutplios Leith r,~quiro- <br />rncnts as to :u•ca. in,pruer•uu•nt :u,d dcsi~n, flood and ~~;;ter rlraina_•e control. appr~- <br />priate irnproccd public road,, ~:u,it:u•Y dispu~al facilities, ~~::tcr sul'I'ly :n•ai4rhilitY, <br />en~•ironnumtal protection. :u;d other rerynircmcuts of this chapter and local ordi- <br />nances, ~~'triclr arc al,l,lic;,hlc to di~~ision of laatl <br />division (c- (4). Pursuant to snhrlietsion (L) or s~h- <br />In any case proeidcd iu suhdieision Ih nr <br />nhdivlsion (r) of this section a local <br />~. and apprueal of a tent:ctiee ....... ~_:~ ....... <br />aPproeal of :r p:;rc•cl u,ap. 11'1,rn a trnt:r[iee n,ap is required, the h:rrcel map shall <br />he filed within mu• }•ear ;,fret the appru~:,l ~f the tcnL•ttiee n,ap. C'lton applica- <br />tion, au extrusion of the npln•oeal of the tentative mujr, not to ex_cced one ~•c:u•, may <br />he granted by the ;:oecrniu;; hotly or arh'isory agency. <br />In any case ~ehere snhn,issinu of a r,;u•cel malt is wai~•ed tiv local ordinance pnr- <br />swrnt to the. proeisirms of this snhrlieisinn. r.uhmi,sion and apl,roval of a tentative <br />map may continue to he rcynired h}• local ordinance. <br />Dedications, <br />The goeernin„ Lody may rrynire dedications or an offer of dedication by separate <br />Instrument for street opening or wirleniq~ or easements. If dcdirrtions or offers <br />of dedications are required, such dedications shall Le completed prior to filiq, of <br />the parcel mali. An offer of dedication ;hall he in such tetras as to he Lindinr; un <br />the otsner, hi, hcit•s, assigns or successor in interest, and shall continue until the <br />governing body accepts or rejects each offer. • • + <br />(e) Cemetery land. <br />(e) Nothing contained in this chapter shall apply to land dedicated for cemetery <br />purposes ender the Health and Safety Codc of the State of California. <br />(t) Construction, <br />(P) Nothin;: contained iu this section shall in any way mod(fy or affect any of <br />the provisions of section 11000 of this code. <br />(Autendcd by SLtts.l!)G;i, c. 1~~~1, p. a130, 5 1 ; Stats.]J03, c. 11S0, p. 2981, § 7; Stats. <br />1907, C. 727, p. 2095, § 3; titats.I0G7, c. ti..",G, p. "•'93, § 1; Stats.l9GS, c. 209, p. COl, <br />~ 2; Stats.l9t;<4, c. 331, p. 71S, § -!: Sta[s.l!)GS, c. v.'0, p, 11G~1, 8 4; SCats.1970, c. ;iOU, <br />p. 953, ~ 1; S[;~[s.1971, c.:;..5, p. 71 G, § 1: S[ats.1971, c. 1•}-lt;, p.lS:i-l, ~ ~; Stuts. <br />197?., c. 7Ut;, p. L' S7, ~ 2, urrencY, cfP. Aug. 10, 1072.) <br />Asterlaks • • • Indicate deletions by amendment <br />105 <br />-79- <br />