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EVANS ' N INSURANCE COMPANY <br />CER'T'IFICATE .: 2010 -039 <br />CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE <br />EXCLUDES COVERAGE FOR NOMINEE EVENTS. SEE SEPARATE APPLICATIONS FOR NOMINEE EVENTS. <br />SPECIAL EVENT LIABILITY PROGRAM <br />11PRODUCER PUBLIC ENTITY (ADDITIONAL INSURED) <br />Alliant Insurance Services, Inc. in conjunction with City of Santa Ana <br />Apex Insurance Services 20 Civic Center Plaza <br />P. 0. Box 6450 Sarkta Ana, CA. 92701 <br />Newport Beach, C. 92658 <br />License No: OC 36861 <br />NAMED INSURED (EVENT HOLDER): EVENT INFORMATION: <br />Blanca Arceo TYPE: Zumba Class <br />2022 West A.lco Avenue DATE (S)-. 06/30/10-12/31/10 <br />Santa Aqua, CA 92703 LOCATION: El Salvador Center <br />`Liquor Liability Yes El No <br />Li uor Liablli after an ends before 2 am El <br />This is to certify that the policies of insurance listed below have been issued to the insured named above for the policy period <br />indicated. Iot% l th stand i ng any requirements, terms or conditions of any contract or other document Nvith respect to NvhIch this <br />certificate may be issued or may pertain, the insurance afforded by the policies described herein is subject to all the terms, <br />exclusions and conditions of such policies. Limits shown may have been reduced by paid claims. <br />INSURANCE CARRIER: Evanston Insurance Company <br />1r1ASTER P 0 L1CY NUM ER: I O EI' 10 0000 1 <br />MASTER POLICY DATES: EFFECTIVE: JANUARY f � 2010 EX P I RATION: JANUARY 11 2011 <br />C UR UAL GENERAL LIABILITY OCCURRENCE FORD DEDUCTIBLE: IBLE: i NE <br />General Aggregate Limit $2,000,000 <br />Products & Completed Operations 1,0()0,000 <br />Personal & Advertising Injury 1,000,E <br />Each Occurrence Limit 1,000,E APPRO 1 s TO FORM <br />Fire Damage ray One Fire) 50,000 <br />Medical Payments Any One Verson) 5,000 <br />Liquor Liability If purchased) W9. FLETCHE <br />-Me limits ofinsurance apply separately to each event insured by this policy as i f s separate y o ranc TaT Uffli Ud for that event. <br />"Who is insured #> is amended to include, as an insured, the person or organization shorn i �sschedu l e, but only with respect to IiabiIity arisIng otit of the <br />omership, maintenance or use of the premises used by the named insured (event bolder). This insurance insuirance does not apply to: Any "occurrence" which takes place <br />after the event holder ceases to be a tenant in that premises. <br />E'ER ADDITIONAL INSUREDS <br />CANCE LLATION, Shou ld the above described policy be cancelled before the expiration date thereof, the issuing company 1viII mail 3 0 days witten notice to the <br />certificate bolder and additional insu red s listed. <br />lal <br />AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE: <br />DATE ISSUED: June O 2010 by Brun Morales <br />