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L. Santa Ana Police Department <br />Lf btteroperabiilo, Communications Consulting, Phase 11 <br />Igts <br />One n4saIan. Yours. GTSI-10-12549 v1,0 <br />3 PROJECT PRICING <br />The official GTSI quotation (Quote. #; QUT5073288) can be found as an attachment to this <br />proposal containing all products and professional services required to accomplish the tasks <br />outlined in this proposal. The total project price is offered on a firm fixed basis for a total of <br />$1,714,682.00 for the work specifically defined herein. <br />Should any additional services be required for the scope within this proposal or that are outside <br />of the scope of this proposal Santa Ana Police Department shall execute a Change Order <br />according to the process listed in Section (6) below. <br />3.1 GFS - GTS1Financial Services <br />GTSI Financial Services will provide you with a range of turnkey payment options that allow <br />you to quickly deploy state-of-the-art IT infrastructures while preserving capital. funds or <br />mission-critical initiatives. <br />Payment Options: <br />Rates shown are provided for the purpose of customer discussion only, and are contingent upon <br />completion of Contracts, Credit and Management approvals. All payment options are subject and <br />include Non-Appropriation of Funds. <br />Options: ! Years: Total Cost Payments: <br />0% 2 1,714,682 Annual $857,341 <br />0.90% 3 1,714,682 ' Annual $576,682 <br />...... .... <br />2.90% 5 1,714,682 Annual $362,827 <br />This purchase may also be available for customers structured options as well. <br />Examples: <br />• Deferred cash options up to lyr at 0% <br />• Customer down payment, then next payment in next fiscal year <br />• Deferred payments up to 6 months <br />• 3 or 5 annual, semi-annual or quarterly payment in advance <br />• X payments at $0, then semi-annual payments for 3-5 years <br />• $2M transaction, with annual payment in arrears at $2M <br />• $2.4M at 0%, 5 years, with payments in September, January and June <br />• Funding all IT with one single invoice keeping payments fixed over years using <br />interesting bearing escrow accounts. <br />3.2 Invoicing Schedule <br />GTSI will invoice Santa Ana Police Department for the professional services outlined within this <br />proposal as each deliverable is received by the California Southern Planning Area (SPA). A list <br />of the milestones/deliverables for the project and the associated fee for each is presented below. <br />-14- <br />GTSI Confidential and Proprietary. Use or disclosure of the data contained on this sheet is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this <br />proposal.