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VI. <br />REVIEW <br />This Agreement shall be subject to annual review by the Community <br />Redevelopment Agency and City. <br />VII. <br />MISCELLANEOUS <br />A. Brown Act. The Agency meetings are noticed, open and public as required by the <br />Ralph M. Brown Act (Government Code section 54950, et seq., as amended). <br />B. Public Records Act. The Agency complies with the Public Records Act <br />(Government Code section 6250, et. seq, as amended) and unless a records clearly <br />falls within an exception, such records are made available to the public in <br />compliance with the City's policies and procedures. <br />C. Political Reform Act. The Agency board members comply with the conflict of <br />interest rules promulgated by the Political Reform Act in conformity with State <br />law[Govemment Code Section 87300, as amended]. (Reference Resolution No. 74- <br />4). <br />D. CEOA Guidelines. The Agency has adopted procedures for implementation of <br />California Environment Quality Act of 1970 and the State CEQA Guidelines <br />[Public Resources Code section 21001(f) and (g); and 14 Code of Regulations <br />Section 15022, as amended]. (Reference Resolution No. 75-4). The Agency <br />follows City policies and procedures with regard to CEQA. <br />E. Governing Law. This Agreement and all questions relating to its validity, <br />interpretation, performance, and enforcement shall be governed and construed in <br />accordance with the laws of the State of California. <br />F. Amendment. This Agreement may be amended as the parties hereto may mutually <br />agree by an instrument in writing executed by the parties hereto. <br />G. Newspaper of General Circulation. The Agency follows City policies and <br />procedures as to designation of the newspaper of general circulation which will be <br />used when the Agency is required to give notice regarding redevelopment matters <br />within the community (Government Code Section 6040, as amended). <br />H. Review of Bond Document Covenants. The Agency has established a routine audit <br />and control procedure that ensures that the Agency's ongoing activities comply with <br />the bond document covenants. <br />5