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a <br />Y E p`90- Cle W ?"I , rc _ _,,.?;Cr tlEte . ..1;, l ue ai rig tf7tii;'A1 !, <br />`(.'. Entir Agreeriaont I, r:: . "?LJI'?!? #i£ ±tir% !if": F cx ")iVr t,it f"! li y 1C)! C; ti-le r fr"l e a t. every' <br />a"anCi ai; ISSIit, ;tip t,' cc) 1-1 r1 t=3C,t+L) ',V tr traCCIU1SiI10, i C= <br />said rGUii N7 C??>E r CG' ? y,. ?! \, <br />IT Hazardous Wastc. Neiihe ; '.&ar t1Cr_ In ti'le I)e-,l :3 knowledge. any PreVIJUS O?Nne!, <br />tenant orucu..)arn, Of USE-r of thE? ;,j?'C1E:ii_ieL , f° iease . ?dis &iargecj, Stored. m <br />disposed of any ' r <br />lc? _cir?t} ! " LVt3w 9:I.C ;U('?S t ar3t E:c )I' rF'IrzIE't:7 rYiaCr'rial= "r"la c3rCtf_?Li5 Mate;lalE>-L <br />Or, t)rlr}Ol If, or rli)OU' ttj?% <br />fttLr rtb C? Ir3E1aC} tif?i; ?_dil? Ha c!cjou;: IViateriait to or trom the <br />=`!o[?E',CtV'- Seiie< S1":31 1"10, Crt:.IS, C3Permit tne, iIse, generation, relepsE_ discharge. <br />storage, or IS;_?c)sal of gray Haz rat u1 fvia_erials tan, Llntae In, of about, Or the, Transportation' of <br />any Hazarraous (ti1iiterial . to rir Irani ihF Prcaf)er'ly. The term "Hazard X S (Material" sflaU mean an v <br />Substance niaierial 0=" vvasu_ ni&j is. ?? GE't,clrllr?E, regulated ib?., any iC)C i governrrlental auttloi'ity, <br />the Stag of Cailforl:a, o, the U its , ;ialF ?c, r =rnn ?r€- including. but no, lirniteca tc). any. <br />111atenal Ol. SLibsiaila,e- v,,rli . !^ €i C7f-'irec zi;- lla_drdouc v,:, ;te , "eytrer-n i hr'al-ardous wart `". <br />a, "restrirteC) nazi dOUS W ?;` E, t{nde ?;;1! r 2E,, 1-, or 2 cl :2.. , or IISted pursuan to <br />Secti w L".140 of n Cc)Wor n; HE.;,altt ar-! L :atet.y 0-ode, Division 210",, ?'hapter Ci.": (Hazardous <br />Wash` `?. )Clt Ue Law} iii! cie inec' a, "hazaardou, LI[? ,t<lrlu°' LindE,?2r Sf CtIor of the Cal <br />6T(=)rrlfc3 <br />Hea'tr and Sat -k Tcoe D!vsin, ,f,'t)t£r (i. E. ('t_c1t)nntBr-* rE;IC.;% 131 ;"lEr t a ardcl us <br />Substance. ACCOUri Act (III; dE.f nod as a `hazcarcli_)u": r'1areria"'"hal_arcous ;Aji:)stance". a, <br />hazardow, L^ r yl.' .!I`pde, iecfi!"'I o: tn4 l.cilltORl{2 He?lttl arl(1 ?>i:itvt}i Cod '. Division ??. <br />Chapter, b.u)? ('iciZardou, fL1cc tc:Clr.!C t-ieiea ;F,- f-;esporim% 'Mans. ands, rove Ifory), (iv, defined as a <br />°ha_-arduui. SUbita.-ice" un-Aef, ,:?Wtiom of t!)e lf,C rl'c' Healtli ar,d Safet.y Code, DIviSion? <br />20, Chapter C Wrider.- r0unc ?st ?s ?r?c t,P H at'CjUU` ul tr7"(:(- 0 i f)CtrC31 UCl„ (vi) uS?Y°SIC3 <br />tviii poldchir inat C biprienLi , (`till, :>t' C L d Ark! t° ) ce tin a:, h-7-?rdOUS o "extrerrleiv <br />hazanj us F Ur uanl to A,'tlcle a ! ItIe., C? th '-'ante nil Adrn nislrative Code, Division Wit, <br />CihaDif i 20, Ox) designate.'] a- C ur,,-,C a?T1 tcj Secfio * 11 of the t` ..1ean <br />Water Ac, f y t If ?dcf ? <br />( J e7 c r j y l 3 i d?)' Jv' a - t <br />i t't1'crjc?rl: t SO?tIC?Cl 1004 of <br />the RE'our:E c lsefvalho ar3Ct R, iGa7V.,r? tsa 1 tjn E _e..._ ?09031i)"(Xij <br />defined, a.: ra 31i.ou Si_il ?G ?a[f (._+nl [t ecti . 10` Cs' t#lf; C)n'tf rE ht n51b' <br />Envlron Merita t$'";L.t c)ns,iE Coi't}r?. 3j, ir. n,r cin.; riCjt I` <br />t'_ w .._c3hliiT,? M,'14' t ,S-1 S9601 of seg <br />(142 C, S%p <br />18 Qnraphan cwvith Envirnngri l -ol <br />LvE a a : Tn trif tre rat S, Ile r,.> l' novvriedgi: the Pro,)ert', <br />COMP;16" ~>vltrh Ell! a j* able jaw, a nc, c)(werniiie Ial reC;-,)ia li-)n,, r Giudin j, witn`)i3' lirn'litatIon, all <br />al7Nil '3(?ir 'E;aG a', dtty {CI .9 c11F?. iPe03inr) i. r(i c11(E vv?t rJuFillt'y'. n"a,:,.ardoLjE> VtastE. <br />Wa tf: i$Iq,€?cir and C7tvtf'ti F rid r 1 11 "M i Tint lCli I,1?t'€l.j but n c,)! lir'nirr' i tc, thc, E,iE`',c`1-rl Wcter, <br />ClE r2r, Hlr, EC)Cf .( tt? Lai:E" Ci!Iritl t,", . Cf t'rtr ti.?C}{IC r(I @St?-' D'ISDC)Sal, Resource, Conservation <br />Recovery anC' C.ampri'nerls€ve F_.n,>Iri:nrT C- r`%,: Rosa}C7:1_ f '?;Or1>)'?'r'15?.liC,l7 ;;,(,< l blllt)? rOCt'o, and ,*hc, <br />CaIITC7rnt n`Ji Or1f71 1l,ac ! iti' t")' r 1't re 1u itr )!1 - and, orctinz nce(i Ctl the city within <br />which fl-,,e sublec[ r%CC3O,. f?' I(r?;??tc tt? cd'!t(?rr :G t1 flat! 1e.t of He litil Se.rv:ces, the Regional <br />mate <<U 116I rli ) O :rC; t 4a tE_? Y11,'ci,r'' r.c ,)urC;E? ";cintr'„i B arcs , the Enwonrrlentai <br />Rrotectlor ?,ylf r ^,`y'. rlr)c! ail r taft rind fC;:;, t i'genc.Ee-, and bUreaUS <br />iTtd?'3'T nit ur, r ' tC) ii}Ca nllls? Cte r£ '?1 c1E'i t:C11?J ilk.' arr ilF S.` frOTi and c'Ctr3lnSt <br />any clam-, a'cilr)r,, Sit r>rou ee;dm r,; C',) ; C) nnaLi . I1?btjlC'y deiicIC;`iC., fide, Denaltt/, punitive <br />damage, c);- eyp r^.f iii'! 9ilCtrfiCj, `d Ittl, lli .lily",t, _ ;, catC rl1£ t' ?`;" y <br />Elztir frt n"1. arISInP OUT W <br />or tlaSE !aC) 7t i r f7rEfiPr.G C 1C a F, 3 i(. Cl ;chi: )r'., C'u,. iaf' S 3Tr'ge or, disposal Clt ant•' <br />Hazar`0,?€." iMatF i ? or.. uncle' i , ;?r IN, ±ran Ca<_)rt?st m c.i ar,;SLJ h l7iatE'.rial < to or front, <br />the "'r to )cri,, ri i3 <br />(t U { e i t 3 _f,I 5 rice, orde . rule <br />re C1,LllatlClr. CTE,Iri" i':? nr <br />{i! CI `= f ta" t l z ??.i ( IIJi, r f c3. :_ di.?,C:6-iar c, <br />25E-15