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EAI H~L~~NAUTHC~~ITI~~lEET~N ~h~~~R~fATI~N <br /> AEN~A ~IlPT10~ <br /> The agenda descriptions provide the public v~ith ~ general summary of the items of business to be <br /> considered ley the Housing Authority. The Housing Authority is not limited in any gray by the <br /> ~eca~r~ended Action and may take any action ~rhich the Authority deems to be appropriate an an <br /> agenda item. ~~cce t as otherwise rovided b lair na action shall be taken an an item not listed on <br /> the agenda, <br /> A[[ supporting documentation for this agenda i available for public reviev~ in the Clerk of the Council <br /> Office during regular business hours, 5:~~ ,m, - :~D p.m., I~anday through Friday. The Clerk#s office <br /> is located in City Hallf Civic Center Plaza, Roam 80, Santa Ana, California, 4~-~~D, date <br /> materials received following the posting of the agenda will be available for viewing in the Hauling <br /> Authority rr~eeting~location during the session. <br /> PI.J~LI~ INPUT <br /> AGENDA lT~ll~ ~N~ iT~IUi PU~LI INTE~ET W The City Council evil! convene a joint session <br /> with the Hauling Authority BHA} to receive public comments regarding any agenda items ar items of <br /> public interest Within the jurisdiction of the HA. All requests to speak shat[ be submitted in Writing by <br /> submitting a speal~er card to the Clerk of the Council. l~egues# to speak shall not lie acc~_~~~d, after _ <br /> the public con~ient session begins 1N~~h~i~t_pE1"1T~~SSiOn the_~rslding officer. <br /> During this public comment period, members of the pubic shall be given a total of three minutes to <br /> speak on any and a![ matters contained on the City Council agenda and any and a!l matters including - <br /> items of public interest within the subject matter jurisdiction of all related Agencies meeting on the <br /> same date. [ <br /> PUBLIC HEAIINS- l~ernbers of the public sha!! be given three minutes to address the Housing <br /> Authority for each duly noticed hearing, unless the matter is continued prior to taking public testimony. <br /> C~NEf~T CALENDAR <br /> <br /> All matters lisped under the consent calendar are considered to be routine by the Housing Authority - <br /> and aril! be emoted by one motion v~ithout discussion unless a member of the Housing Authority <br /> "pulls" an item{s}from the ~cansent calendar far a separate vote, <br /> TELE1~iED MEET[N CHE~ULE <br /> <br /> A!l regular Housing Authority meetings veil[ be televised and available for viewing on the City's ~reb <br /> page live or taped delayed. Meetings held in the Council Chamber or other designated locations _ <br /> <br /> uvhich are televised live on CTII Time ~frner Cable ~ri[I be cablecast Mondays at ~:~g p,m., <br /> <br /> Tuesdays ir~rnediate[y following the Housing Authority rr~etin at .~D a.m., U~ednesdays at ~:Do <br /> p.m., and Sundays at ~:~0 p.rn. Meetings held in locations that do not have a live cable feed gill be <br /> <br /> video taped and shown on CT and the City's ebsite one day fo[lovving the Housing Authority <br /> meeting. <br /> DVD copies of the Housing Authority meetings for loan gill be available for public circulation at the <br /> Santa Aria Main library the day after the Housing Authority meeting. <br /> <br /> H~U~h~~ A~JTH~RiT~ AGENDA JULIA D~, ~~4 _ . <br /> <br />