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. <br />,10- n -,, W ?"I ", , , <br />TAIT!, <br />1(.'. Entirc AC reeriient I, tit <br />_rejr ; lc)! ­[Y ; the <br />VA c), lel! tnrti. <br />\ <br />aCCIL)ISitION 0- <br />cc)rInP._;fic) ',V <br />an ar v� <br />cl, <br />Saf(l re ; <br />IT Hazardour,; Wastc Neiihel Se&ar nor, In the I)e-,l c)` knowledge. any PreVIOLIS ovvne!, <br />tenant orucu.)arn, Of USE-r of thE� ojeneraieL , reieasedl, dis&iargecj, stared. or <br />disposed of any XIC SU('?Siance's ,)I, reiaieci materials ­Ha7_,ardcus MaterialE,'"L <br />Or, undei, If or &it)ou- ttj�% <br />_jrj� Ha ­ -cjou;: I'Viaterial., to or trom the <br />Property'. <br />Selie; Ca:.(�,..: (3i Permit tne, se, generation, relepsE_ discharge. <br />storage, or disposal of anv Ha7,A rat )U1.', <br />kila-.erials tan, i,j n d e In, of about, Of- the, Transportation' of <br />any Hazaraous Miterial to rar i ran i thy. Prrl.perly. The term "Hazard X S Ila e - a Shall mean anv <br />Substance maieria[ c);, ie-ji&j ib�., any jocaj governryiental autric)iity, <br />the State of Cafforma, o, trje Un its d includinq. out no, lirnitedtc), any. <br />mater al 01 SUbs,,Lafice- v,,rflc !^ ik; defirec zi;. Ll 'l,Ij-ardous vraste". "eytret-neiv hal-ardous wart e". <br />a, "restricte-al haZa dOUS WaSte,` unde!- I'Zer_-Jc�r) _­,,1 17 or 2,5c!22 -11` Cif iisted pursuant to <br />Secticw L.140 of -I-ME, CaWorn;a ar, j:jtetv Coce. Division 1haptE,,r 6,E, (Hazardous <br />Waste C')nuui� Lavvlf (ii! ciefinec� a, "hazardou,. ",Ut,St- F)CE-" UndE3r SeCtIor,, o n <br />Hea,tr an�, sat--I\/ C -l' .- ,, - _j of the, ­abf r ia <br />­coe D!vtsin,­ -LIPIer (Carpenter-T'resicy- i 3inner Pla.zardnus, <br />Substance. ACCOUrit Act (iii ; dE--,,fined as a `hazarcjou mareria"', "hal­_arcous Iut)stance". Jr <br />"hazardoLjS H,-­)1th arld Sifety Code, Division 20, <br />Chapter, 6.91,5- (HaiZardou,, NA,,it:-,ricvs, Reiease Responm% Plans. anal lnve,-ifory), Ov, defined as a <br />lia_-ardcr,u� SUbsta.-ice" un-Aer, S."ectiom 22B", Heailtf! ar�,d ',--)Ffet.'y Code. Division, <br />20, Chapter 6, 7 (Underg rounc i-a pe- (-,T' HF, 7a rdouc S ulustan v i petrole un,., (vi) <br />tvii.) polvchinnna-L r� <br />VIII' Ark!�� W r efinglc` a: "hl-i-71-3rdOUS�` of "extremely <br />hazanjous' FlUrsuani to A-ticle � *1 of thf�: Adrnm'r'iistrative Code, Division 4. <br />Chapter 20, (Ix) dash nate.,j a­ E, ­'u� s! an Purr­,uam tcj Secfion I ! of the C.1ean <br />Water Ac, 1331-� S j 7 Secfion 1004 of <br />d fl, i <br />F Resour,,.,e Clcmsefv,-I�Ncj� a,�C! R C S E, <br />O J ".? c9 0 3 o {}ii j <br />; <br />definec!, ,.: a "ria-zardous si,,hslat,ces.` c� u r, -u,n! t( SECtIr1;­,! <br />"Or <br />Enworit"nenta! <br />r: a._ ter grid L'M:Alih" .A,-;­ 4 U.S -C 59601 of Seg. <br />(142 C, S%p <br />18 Carr phanc-c Vvith Envir , -ol - n trif es4 r �)E Ile r.> knovviedgi:1 the Pvo,,)ert', <br />L E I r oErri c�:j L <br />L,)v��E Tc <br />COMP;1611E, vVit1h Ell! ai.,Pilcable jaw anc, c)(wernnienIal rc.­C,,-,)1a1i-)n,, mcludin, j, witi'lr1j; linjitatIon, all <br />applicible, fe,ae _:,, t,J-_flc ric! <br />a 1!': 211 c11(' vv?te,' rJuFility ha,:.,.ardoLjE; wastE. <br />diq,osai, and otuhc,tj eryd ,:O- <br />but , I,, <br />li'Tlirl�,,d 11u, thc, CIearl. Water, <br />Clear, Air Fece-raj VJate, P <br />`onrm ti.�C } {IC �(I @Std D'ISDC)Sal, Resource C- onservatiort <br />Recov-ry anC� C.ampri--,,her­sive F_.nv1ri :nrY"er`%,: Resrrx)"-J-�,, <br />r,Cfl1 >)'�'r'iS a, d obilow AcL. and -,he, <br />Caljiorni Environrn ,, Qi,,Ia1J,, ve.-gul-, ate onl,­ and, ordinz nce(� of the city within <br />vj-' trj��, f,�ji <br />which fl-,,e subIec[ a rt! erv:ces, t*,, R I e g ona <br />-a tiorr!L, DeP, loiew of HeaIlt, S <br />Water C'1,;ua1iP, <br />R,_ _ontrol Bcarc�, the Enwonmentai <br />ProtecTbn �3r)ci ail staft�, cind anci <br />/1 i - bUreaUS <br />indeMnit ­,fli­, aur­, c,:-, to zjr,­ , r, <br />_fv narmles,,-, iroTT-, and against <br />any clam-, aciior,, st,w, rroueedmr.", 4fDs::, , C ,)s�­ C) nn'agt cJeiicie,n1c,, fine, Denalty, punitive <br />damage, c);- eylpe-rsf :, <br />Elztir fr(,,n-:. a-ISInc! OUT W <br />or basecd uu,,.)i <br />T! Or' dlsposal W am,•, <br />Ha_a_0)W':, Matem-1 or, unde'' k o silk t:re)n C1Cti tat;c m <br />Oi n, SUCh materiak, to of- iront, <br />the -r�,rtoi-)cri,, c) ii <br />1,1 ;, t )Irdv I'l rice, orde-, nule. <br />discharge. <br />25E -15 <br />