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15. Exceptions. City agrees to accep" title to said real property subject to the following: NONE. <br />16. Entire Agreement. It is mutuafy agreed that the parties hereto have herein set forth the <br />whole of their Agreement. Performance of this Agreement by City shall lay at rest, each, every, and <br />all issue(s) that were raised or could have been raised in connection with the acquisition of said real <br />property by City. <br />17. Hazardous Waste. Neither Seller nor, to the best of Seller's knowledge, any previous owner, <br />tenant, occupant, or user of the Property used, generated, released, discharged, stored, or disposed <br />of any hazardous waste, toxic substances, or related materials ( "Hazardous Materials ") on, under, in, <br />or about the Property, or transported any Hazardous Materials to or from the Property. Seller shall not <br />cause or permit the presence, use, generation, release, discharge, storage, or disposal of any <br />Hazardous Materials on, under, in, or about, or the transportation of any Hazardous Materials to or <br />from, the Property. Yhe Term "H,azardOUS Material" shall mean any substance, material, or waste <br />which is or becomes regulated by any local governmental authority, the State of California, or the <br />United States Government, including, but riot lirniteu to, any material or substance which is (i) defined <br />as a "hazardous waste ", "extremely hazardous waste ", or "restricted hazardous waste" under Section <br />25115, 25117 or 25122.7, or listed pursuant to Section 25140 of the California Health and Safety <br />Code, Division 20, Ct :afrter 6.5 (Hazardous Waste Co, atrol Law), (ii) defined as "hazardous substance" <br />under Section 25316 of the California Health and Safety Code, Division 20, Chapter 6.8 <br />(Carpenter - Presley - Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act), (iii) defined as a "hazardous <br />material ", "hazardous substance', or "hazardous waste" under Section 25501 of the California Health <br />and Safety Code, Division 20, Chapter 6.95 (hazardous Materials Release Response Plans and <br />Inventory), (iv) defines as a "hazardous substance' under Section 25281 of the California Health and <br />Safety Code, Division 20, Chapter 6." (l.indF r(4rouno Storage of Hazardous Substances), (v) <br />petroleum, (vi) asbestos, (vii) polycn'orinated biphenyis, (viii) listed under Article 9 or defined as <br />"hazardous" or "extremely hazardous" pursuant to Article 1 I of Fitle 22 of the California Administrative <br />Code, Division 4, Chapter 20, (ix) designated as a "hazardous substances" pursuant to Section 311 of <br />the Clean Water Act, 133 U.S.C. S1 3,T), (x) defined as a "hazardous waste" pursuant to Section 1004 <br />of the Resource Conseivatior, arc Recovery Act, 42 U.S.C. -SG901 et a!ftg. (42 U.S.C. S6903) or (xi) <br />defined as a "hazardous substances' pursuant to Section 101 of the Comprehensive Environmental <br />Response, Compensation, as amended by- Liability Act, 42. U.S.C. 59601 et spec. (42 U.S.C. S9601). <br />18. Compliance WVith Environntergal Laws. To the best of Seller's knowledge the Property <br />complies with all applicable iadvs and qovernrrier,iai regulations including, without limitation, all <br />applicable federal, state, and 'ocal laws penaining ro air and vuater (quality, hazardous waste, waste <br />disposal, and other envyonrnentai matte-- inc ;ludirrj. but nor !imited to, the Clean Water, Clean Air, <br />Federal Water Pollution Control, Soliu Waste Disposal, Resource Conservation Recovery and <br />Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation grid Liability Acts, and the California <br />Environment Quality Act, and the rules, ,-PgJatiorls, and ordinances of the city within which the subject <br />property is located, the California Dec�arlrnent of Health Services, the Regional Water Quality Control <br />Board, the State Vtrater Resourr ;es Ccrtrol board; the Environmental Protection Agency, and all <br />applicable federal, state, and local ageric ;ices arid bureaus. <br />19. Indernr�ity. Scl� ;,r �ayr� °,s to i �u.r,inity, efend and hold the City harmless from and against <br />any claim, action, suit, oroceedin . icn-�s, cost, r°iarriage, flability, deficiency, fine, penalty, punitive <br />damage, or expense (irrclud rly, v+iiti,)co.11 lir!Iiia:ion, - at(orneys' fees), resulting from. arising out of, or <br />based upon (i) the presence rele;ase�, ease, ac ; c ration, aaisct arge, storage, or disposal of any <br />Hazardous Material on. und6f, in or about, or r.he transportation of any such materials to or from, the <br />Property, or (ii) the violation, or ✓io3_:atiori, of any statute, ordinance, order, rule, regulation, <br />permit, judgmei-it, or io tl use, aerie ation, release, discharge, storage, disposal, or <br />transportation of Hazrirdous nia,teria :: rxnc;f=" , n, Cr about, ic, or from, the PraperZy. This indemnity <br />shall include, without ri���itaticTr�. any J;iTlage, �i�ai��iih�, fin(:, penaity, punitive damage, cost, or expense <br />4 <br />25E -23 <br />