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F <br /> Year-Fnd Report far Ha~sing <br /> Division ~'~oj ects and Activities <br /> September 8, 2009 <br /> gage 5 <br /> 1000 Bloch of ~ Cogan <br /> The Logan project consists of the de~relopment of three single <br /> family homes. grange our~ty community dousing corporation and its <br /> general contractor, Taller fan base, corrreced construction in December <br /> Z00 The hoes will be Bald to first-time homebuyers with incomes at or <br /> below 80 percent of the area Median. The three-bedroom hope i expected <br /> to sell for $170,000 and the two, four-bedroom homes gill sell far <br /> $x.70, 000 each. Two workshops for prospective buyers were held in ~ur~e of <br /> 200, and ~ lottery was conducted on aturda~r, ~7uly 11, 2009, to select <br /> the homebuyers . construct~.on for all three homes is on schedu~.e and is <br /> slated far completion in Septe~.ber 2009. <br /> R I IN~c Fa dden <br /> an January 2009, the city council and community Redevelopment Agency <br /> approved a Dispasit~.on and Development Agreement with RI McFadden, I,Lc <br /> far development of two parcels at the corner of McFadden and grange. The <br /> project consists of two single-family residences, one being a 1, 9~8 <br /> square feet, 4-bedrao~n hoer and the other a 1, X21 square feet, ~-bedroom ' . <br /> name. The homes were constructed in 1~5-days and will be sold through a t <br /> lottery process to be held in early September. <br /> FI~~L IMFA~` <br /> Y <br /> There is no fiscal impact associated with th~.s notion. <br /> ~ YID ,r,r:~ _ <br /> -r/ <br /> Shelly Landry-Bayne <br /> <br /> Housing `L~lanager <br /> community De~el.opment Agency <br /> J~~LB~JPH~r <br /> <br />