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Entity Funded <br /> Estimated Responsible Prior to <br />Description of Improvement Cost (2004 For Indicated <br /> Dollars) Improvement Triggering <br /> Event <br /> Cash <br />9. Implement neighborhood traffic $1,200,000 City Six month <br />plans to mitigate changes in traffic (actual prior to <br />patterns or increased cut through traffic cost, not issuance of <br />resulting from the One Broadway Plaza an the first <br />Project in French Park, French Court, estimate) certificate of <br />Willard, Floral Park, West Floral Park, occupancy <br />and Washington Square but no later <br />Neighborhoods. Traffic plans costs than 22 <br />shall include traffic studies, staff time to month from <br />process neighborhood traffic plan, and the 1St <br />the construction of appropriate semi- building <br />diverters, diagonal diverters, and street permit <br />closures. <br />10. Reconstruct 10 St. one-way EB $850,000 Owner building <br />and Washington Ave. one-way WB Permit <br />between Main St. and Broadway, which <br />will include: (1) traffic signal <br />modifications at Main/Washington, <br />Main/10th, Washington/Sycamore, <br />Broadway/Washington, and <br />Broadway/10th (2) restriping streets <br />and intersections, and (3) installing <br />appropriate traffic signs (4) retiming <br />traffic signals (5) constructing ADA <br />compliant wheel chair ramps. <br />SUBTOTAL $12,600,00 <br /> 0 <br />Notes: <br />1. Estimated costs are based on 2004 year of expenditure. Owner shall fund item 5.a. <br />and 8 (if necessary) based on estimated actual construction and right-of-way costs at <br />time of indicated funding event, and supplement if necessary. <br />2. Items not complete and accepted by the City shall be fully bonded for pursuant to an <br />offsite subdivision improvement agreement, prior to issuance of final map. <br />3. All improvements, including improvements to be constructed by Owner and not City, <br />shall be completed and accepted by City prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy. <br />Ordinance No. NS-2806 <br />Page 11 of 11 <br />