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NS-2806 - Approving an Amendment to Development Agreement Between City of Santa Ana...
2000 - 2010 (NS-2416-2812)
2010 (NS-2803 - NS-2812)
NS-2806 - Approving an Amendment to Development Agreement Between City of Santa Ana...
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encroachment permit. The Public Works Agency shall provide to the Owner an update <br />to the 2004 estimate of the costs such offsite mitigations measures contained in said <br />Exhibit C-1 prior to issuance of final map and building permit. Owner shall have one <br />year from the effective date of this Agreement pursuant to section 1.6, above, to <br />acquire the real property referenced in paragraph 5.a. and 8 of Exhibit C-1 and transfer <br />title to the City, except as to the roundabout, for which Owner shall secure and transfer <br />to City an easement (or other right to construct, maintain and use the property as a <br />roundabout). City shall accept transfer of this title and easement. Owner shall deposit <br />an amount equal to the estimate in cash for such offsite mitigation measures (including <br />traffic studies) at the time called for in paragraphs 5.a., 8 and 9 of Exhibit C-1. For all <br />other items specified in Exhibit C-1, security in the form of bonds (i.e., a payment, a <br />performance and a material bond) or other proof of ability to perform acceptable to the <br />City's Executive Director of Public Works Agency shall be provided, together with an <br />offsite subdivision improvement agreement, prior to recordation of final map. For those <br />offsite mitigation measures identified in paragraphs 1-4, 5.b.-8 and 10 which have not <br />been accepted by the City as complete prior to issuance of a building permit, no <br />building permit shall issue until Owner deposits with the City cash; a direct draw, <br />irrevocable letter of credit; or establishes an irrevocable, escrowed cash account or <br />escrowed construction loan or funding proceeds in a form reasonably acceptable to the <br />City Attorney of City, in an amount specified by the City's Public Works Agency to <br />guarantee performance of said offsite mitigation measures; provided, however, that City <br />Executive Director of Public Works Agency shall release or partially release the bonds <br />previously provided at this point to the extent that they are duplicative of this new <br />security. Any deposit shall be applied to such costs and shall be, within thirty (30) days <br />written request to Owner, supplemented to cover the actual costs incurred. Except as to <br />paragraph 9 of Exhibit C-1, City shall return any funds not spent on the offsite mitigation <br />measures referenced in Exhibit C-1 to owner within thirty (30) days, subject to City <br />accounting practices, after completion of all items referenced in Exhibit C-1 and <br />issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the Project. <br />4. Sections 5.8 shall be deleted its entirety. <br />5. Section 5.8.1 shall be amended to read as follows <br />5.8.1. Payment Of Prevailing Wage. <br />a. For the provision of the payment of "Prevailing" and/or "Area <br />Standard Wages" as appropriate, the Owner shall submit evidence that it has entered <br />into a labor agreement with the Los Angeles and Orange Counties Building and <br />Construction Trades Council. Said agreement shall also include provisions that <br />encourage the referral and utilization, to the extent permitted by law, of qualified <br />residents of Santa Ana and surrounding communities as journeymen, apprentices and <br />trainees. An executed copy of the agreement shall be submitted to the City prior to the <br />issuance of building permits. <br />b. Owner and/or its contractors must (1) post all available job <br />openings with the Santa Ana Work Center and Cal JOBS (or equivalent job posting <br />Ordinance No. NS-2806 <br />Page 6 of 11 <br />
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