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LSA ASSOCIATES, INC. INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION <br />JULY 2010 FIRST STREET BRIDGE REPLACEMENT PROJECT <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />C. Substantially degrade the existing visual character or quality of the site and its surroundings? <br />Less than significant impact with mitigation. The proposed project will result in some physical <br />changes in the project site. The existing First Street bridge over Santa Ana River will be demolished <br />and replaced with the new structure that conforms to the current building and seismic standards. The <br />proposed bridge would be widened to accommodate two extra lanes and ultimate width of First <br />Street. The new bridge structure will be located in the same vertical position as the existing one <br />(different horizontal), will look similar to the existing bridge, and will be at the same elevation. The <br />slight physical changes will not substantially affect views of the bridge or views from the bridge. As <br />mentioned above, the bridge replacement activities will require removal of several ornamental trees to <br />accommodate the sound barrier walls. <br />The views from the First Street/Santa Ana Bridge are limited to the surrounding built-out <br />environment, Santa Ana River Channel, adjacent residences including manufactured housing parks. <br />Construction activities will temporary affect the views of and on the Santa Ana River. This impact is <br />not considered significant because it will be short-term and cease upon the project completion. <br />Implementation of the proposed project will not adversely affect scenic vistas because the new <br />replacement bridge will look very similar to the existing bridge structure. Therefore, no impacts are <br />anticipated and no mitigation is required. <br />However, the project will involve the construction of three sound barrier walls each exceeding six <br />feet in height. This will introduce a visual change to the roadway corridor. The following mitigation <br />measure is included to ensure that the sound barrier walls will blend in with surrounding elements to <br />reduce the visual intrusion of the walls. <br />Mitigation Measure <br />VIS-1 As part of the final design plans for the sound barrier walls, a neutral earth-tone color palette <br />will be selected to blend in with surrounding area. The color specification will be reviewed <br />and approved by the Santa Ana Public Works Director or designee, and included as part of <br />the bid package for the project. <br />D. Create a new source of substantial light or glare which would adversely affect day or nighttime <br />views in the area? <br />Less than significant impact. The proposed project is a bridge replacement and street widening <br />project that would not incorporate substantial new sources of light or glare which would affect day or <br />nighttime views in the area. The sidewalks that will be built as part of the First Street Bridge and First <br />Street Widening will require additional lighting for pedestrians. In the existing condition, sidewalks <br />are not continuous along First Street. The project will include relocated replacement street lights. Due <br />to the project area's high level of development, there are many existing sources of light in the area. <br />Therefore, incorporation of the replacement street lights will not result in significant impact to <br />nighttime views. No mitigation is required. <br />07/25/10 «PADMJ0701\MND\4.0 Environmental Analysis.doc» <br />4-2 <br />20A-53