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3. No advancement in salary above Step "D" shall become <br />effective until approved by the City Manager, except when <br />placement on a salary step above Step "D" results from <br />promotion under the provisions of Section 8 of this Article. <br />C. Length of Service Required When Advancement Denied. When an <br />employee has not been approved for advancement to merit Step "E," <br />he or she may be reconsidered for such advancement after the <br />completion of three (3) months of additional service and shall be <br />reconsidered for such advancement after the completion of six (6) <br />months of additional service. This reconsideration shall follow the <br />same steps and shall be subject to the same actions as provided in <br />subparagraphs B.2 and B.3 of this section, supra. <br />5.9 Reduction in Salary Steps. Any employee who is being paid at merit Step "E" <br />may be reduced to Step "D" of the appropriate salary range, upon the <br />recommendation of the Department Head, and the approval of the City <br />Manager. Procedure for such reduction shall follow the same procedure as <br />outlined for merit advancements in Section 5.8 above, and such employee <br />may be considered for readvancement under the same provisions as <br />contained in Subsection C of Section 5.8 above. <br />5.10 Promotional Salary Advancement. When an employee is promoted to a <br />position in a higher classification from a position in a lower classification in the <br />same occupational career ladder, he or she shall be reassigned to Step <br />"AA" in the appropriate salary rate range for the higher classification; <br />provided, however, that if the base salary step currently being paid such <br />employee is already equal to or higher than said Step "AA," he or she shall <br />be placed in the lowest step in the appropriate salary rate range as will grant <br />that employee a minimum increase of one (1) salary step (approximately 5%) <br />over his or her current base salary step, inclusive of lead pay, and exclusive <br />of any other assignment or special pay additive or additives such as bilingual <br />pay, shift differential, special skill pay or the like, except when placement at <br />"E" step will not be sufficient to provide a one (1) salary step (approximately <br />5%) increase. <br />5.11 Demotion. When an employee is demoted to a position in a lower <br />classification, his or her salary rate shall be fixed in the appropriate salary rate <br />range for the lower classification in accordance with the following provisions: <br />A. The salary rate shall be reduced by at least one (1) salary step <br />(approximately 5%). <br />B. The new salary rate must be within the appropriate salary rate range. <br />CONFIDENTIAL ASSOCIATION OF SANTA ANA(CASA) MOU: 2010-2012 Page 15