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ARTICLE XXII <br />22.0 SOLE & ENTIRE AGREEMENT <br />22.1 It is understood and agreed that the parties to this Memorandum of <br />Understanding are subject to all current and future applicable Federal and <br />California laws, the City of Santa Ana Charter and Municipal Code, as well <br />as the City's Employer-Employee Relations Resolution number 81-75 (Exhibit <br />C). It is the intent of the parties hereto that the provisions of this Agreement <br />shall supersede all prior agreements and memoranda of agreement, or <br />memoranda of understanding, or contrary salary and/or personnel rules and <br />regulations or administrative codes, provisions of the City, oral or written, <br />express or implied between the parties, and shall govern the entire <br />relationship and shall be the sole source of any and all rights which may be <br />asserted hereunder. This Agreement is not intended to conflict with Federal <br />or State law or the City Charter. <br />The City shall provide employees covered by this Agreement a copy of this <br />Agreement and its attachments, including a section containing the <br />Employer-Employee Relations Resolution of the City of Santa Ana. <br />22.2 Notwithstanding the foregoing, there exists within the City personnel rules and <br />regulations and departmental rules and regulations. These rules and <br />regulations shall be continued to the extent they do not contravene specific <br />provisions of this Agreement. Such rules and regulations may, from time to <br />time, be changed by the City. If these changes affect wages, hours, and/or <br />other terms and conditions of employment, the City shall meet and confer <br />with CASA; provided, further, however, no provision of the rules and <br />regulations shall be changed to contravene specific provisions of this <br />Agreement. <br />CONFIDENTIAL ASSOCIATION OF SANTA ANA(CASA) MOU: 2010-2012 Page 65