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E. SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />In general, the Consultant shall perform water meter replacement services for the City <br />of Santa Ana water distribution system. <br />Consultant shall perform the following tasks: <br />1 . Consultant shall pick up water meters and curb stops from the City of Santa Ana <br />Corporate Yard located at 220 S. Daisy Ave. The City Corporate Yard is open <br />from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. during the work week <br />2. All water meter replacements shall be 5/8"x 3/4", 3/4" x 1" or 1" meters and all <br />curb stops will be replaced. <br />3. Meter box will be cleaned and prepped. Debris-will not be put back in the meter <br />box. <br />4. Debris from the cleaning and prepping of the meter box shall be hauled away by <br />Consultant at Consultant's expense. The City will not provide a site to dispose of <br />debris. <br />5. Consultant shall haul away replaced meters and drop them off at the City <br />Corporate Yard located at 220 S. Daisy Ave. <br />6. New gaskets and coupling faces will be installed_by Consultant and couplers will <br />be properly aligned and tightened. <br />7. Consultant shall document the meter exchanges in the format provided by the <br />City as well as enter the data in the City's infraMAP data system_ Consultant <br />shall provide the documentation.. information to the City: on a weekly basis. <br />8. As meters and curb stops are replaced, Consultant shall note the condition of the <br />meter box and the circdmstances of the area surrounding the box_ Any meter <br />boxes requiring Ceplacement shall be documented 2nd documentation submitted <br />to the City. <br />9. Consultant shall replace all curb stops under pressure (curb stop stabbing). <br />1 O. Consultant shall supply-the full face gaskets, brass and bronze nuts, bushings, <br />and other small parts as necessary for meter replacement. Consultant is <br />expected to install correct meter couplings/reducers, if needed, during meter <br />replacement. <br />11. If Consultant encounters a situation where the existing meter box requires <br />replacement, Consultant shall note it and include this information in its monthly <br />report to the City. <br />12. If Consultant encounters a situation where the customer's pipes or the City's <br />pipes are in a condition that could cause a leak, Consultant shall skip this <br />location and document it. Consultant shall include this information in its monthly <br />report to the City. <br />13. If Consultant encounters a situation where there is an excessive leak, contact the <br />City's primary contact immediately. <br />14. If Consultant damages the customer's service lines during the course of <br />replacing the meter, Consultant shall immediately contact the City's <br />representative and shall be responsible for repairing the line at the time of <br />damage. <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA WATER METER REPLACEMENT SERVICES <br />City of Santa Ana P.W.A. Water Resources <br />19G-6 Page 4 of 27