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A-2010-107 <br />5/11/10 <br />AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SANTA ANA AND <br />COMMUNITY SENIORSERV FOR USE OF <br />COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS <br />This Agreement, is hereby made and entered into this 1 st day of July, 2010, by and between <br />the City of Santa Ana, a charter city and municipal corporation of the State of California ("CITY") <br />and Community SeniorServ, a California nonprofit corporation ("SUBRECIPIENT"). <br />Recitals: <br />WITNESSETH <br />A. T he C ITY, as an en titlement r ecipient an d g rantee o f t he U nited S tates D epartment o f <br />Housing a nd U rban D evelopment ( "HUD") Community D evelopment B lock G rant ( "CDBG") <br />Program, desires to enter this Agreement with the SUBRECIPIENT for the expenditure of CDBG <br />funds in accordance with Title 24, Part 570 of Code of Federal Regulations 24 CFR 570.000, et seq. <br />("CDBG REGS"); and <br />B. CITY has applied for and received CDBG funds from HUD pursuant to Title I of the <br />Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, Public Law 93-383, as amended ("ACT"); and <br />C. The SUBRECIPIENT is a private nonprofit agency that has been selected by the CITY <br />to r eceive C DBG f unds a nd a dminister s uch f inancial a ssistance; a nd t o pr ovide the services <br />described in Exhibit A, in accordance with the schedule of performance included therein, hereinafter <br />referred to as "said program". SUBRECIPIENT represents that it is qualified and willing to operate <br />said program and certifies that the activities carried out with funds provided under this Agreement <br />will meet one or more of the CDBG program's National Objectives (24 CFR Part 570.208). <br />D. SUBRECIPIENT agrees that it will adhere to the performance measurements and <br />outcomes as indicated on Exhibit A-1 (Outcome Tracking). Failure to follow the measurements <br />and meet the stated outcomes may constitute breach of contract that could result in termination <br />of this Agreement or serve as reason for the City to recapture the grant funds awarded to <br />SUBRECIPIENT pursuant to this Agreement. <br />E. The CITY and SUBRECIPIENT have duly executed this Agreement for the expenditure of <br />such funds; and <br />WHEREFORE, it is ag reed b y an d b etween t he parties that the foregoing R ecitals ar e a <br />substantive pa rt of t his Agreement a nd t he f ollowing t erms a nd c onditions a re a pproved a nd <br />together with all exhibits and attachments hereto, shall constitute the entire Agreement between the <br />CITY and SUBRECIPIENT: <br />1 <br />EXHIBIT 1