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5/11/10 <br />quarterly activity report from SUBRECIPIENT, with the final payment subject to the satisfaction <br />of the condition precedent of submittal of complete reporting information due on or before July <br />15 of the applicable funding year, as hereinafter more fully set forth. SUBRECIPIENT shall be <br />obligated to perform such duties as would normally extend beyond the term, including but not <br />limited to obligations with respect to indemnification, audits, reporting, data retention/reporting, <br />and accounting.. Failure to provide any of the required documentation and reporting will cause <br />CITY to withhold all or a portion of a request for reimbursement, or return the entire <br />reimbursement package to SUBRECIPIENT, until such documentation and reporting has been <br />received and approved by CITY. <br />C. Use of Funds. SUBRECIPIENT agrees to use all federal funds provided by CITY to <br />SUBRECIPIENT pursuant to this Agreement to operate said program, as set forth in "Exhibit A," <br />attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. SUBRECIPIENT'S failure to perform as <br />required may, in addition to other remedies set forth in this Agreement, result in readjustment of the <br />amount of funds CITY is otherwise obligated to pay to SUBRECIPIENT hereunder. <br />D. Allowable Costs. SUBRECIPIENT agrees to complete said program on or before <br />June 30, 2011 and to use said funds to pay for necessary and reasonable costs allowable under the <br />federal law and regulations to operate said program. Said amounts shall include, but not be limited <br />to, w ages, a dministrative c osts, a nd a mployee b enefits c omparable to o ther s imilarly s ituated <br />employees. Other allowable program costs are detailed in the Budget, as set forth in "Exhibit B," <br />attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. SUBRECIPIENT shall use all income <br />received f rom s aid f unds onl y f or t he s ame pur poses f or w hick said f unds in ay be a xpended <br />pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. <br />E. Licensing?. SUBRECIPIENT ag rees t o o btain an d in aintain al I r equired 1 icenses, <br />registrations, accr editation an d i nspections f rom al I ag encies g overning i is o perations. <br />SUBRECIPIENT shall ensure that its staff shall also obtain and maintain all required I icenses, <br />registrations, accr editation an d i nspections f rom al I ag encies g overning S UBRECIPIENT's <br />operations hereunder. S uch licensing requirements include obtaining a City business license, as <br />applicable. <br />F. Zoning;. SUBRECIPIENT a grees t hat a ny f acility/property us ed i n f urtherance of <br />said pr ogram s hall be s pecifically z oned a nd pe rmitted for s uch us e(s) a nd a ctivity(ies). S hould <br />SUBRECIPIENT fail to have the required land entitlement and/or permits, thus violating any local, <br />state o r f ederal r ules an d r egulations r elating t hereto, S UBRECIPIENT s hall i mmediately m ake <br />good-faith efforts to gain compliance with local, state or federal rules and regulations following <br />written n otification o f said violation(s) f rom t he C ITY o r o ther au thorized ci ting ag ency. <br />SUBRECIPIENT shall notify CITY immediately of any pending violations. Failure to notify CITY <br />of pe riding vi olations, or t o r emedy s uch know n vi olation(s) s hall r esult in t ermination of g rant <br />funding hereunder. S UBRECIPIENT in ust make a Il c orrections r equired to br ing t he <br />facility/property i nto c ompliance w ith the I aw within s ixty ( 60) da ys of not ification of t he <br />violation(s); failure to gain compliance within such time shall result in termination of grant funding <br />hereunder.