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COMMENTS <br />Councilmember Alvarez <br />• Congratulated the neighborhood associations that have gotten involved <br />and that have brought their concerns to the attention of the Council <br />• Noted that Halloween is approaching and cautioned parents to keep <br />their kids safe <br />Mayor Pro Tern Franklin <br />• Ask the developers of the site at 17th and Tustin to meet with the <br />residents in the surrounding neighborhood to discuss appropriate <br />alternative uses for the site <br />• Noted that advice was needed from the Vector Control District on how <br />to dispose of deceased crows <br />• Noted that there was a recent newspaper report on the poor condition <br />of Eddie West Field; he further noted that a broader based public and <br />private approach was needed to address the issues. <br />• With respect to the proposed farmers market project, asked staff to get <br />information from the Irvine Farmers Market <br />• Reminded residents to vote on November 2, 2004 <br />ADJOURNMENT — 10:07 P.M. — To October 18, 2004 — 5:15 p.m. - Police Chiefs <br />Conference Room, 4th Floor, 60 Civic Center Plaza, Santa Ana, <br />• California <br />Adjourned in Memory of <br />Chanthan Chuop and <br />Armando Lawrence <br />Patricia E. Healy <br />Clerk of the Council <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 331 OCTOBER 4, 2004 <br />