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needs to be mailed to. The cost estimate provided for this particular task assumes that URS will reproduce <br />the necessary number of copies of the Draft EIR for the City's/proponent's public distribution (assumed to <br />be no more than 30 copies). It is also assumed that the City will create and post the public notice <br />providing availability of the Draft EIR and notice of the public meeting in one newspaper of general <br />circulation. <br />Task 7 — Public Meetine on Draft EIR <br />Based on previous discussions with the City, it is assumed that one public meeting (open -house format) <br />will be held on the Draft EIR during the 45 -day public review period. It will be the responsibility of the <br />City to secure the meeting venue. It is assumed that two URS staff, including the Project. Manager, and <br />one staff member from each KOA Corporation and Discovery Works, Inc. will attend the public meeting. <br />URS will assist the City to compile comments received at the public meeting for presentation in a memo <br />prepared by URS for inclusion with the Final EIR. <br />URS will prepare a maximum of four (4) boards for presentation at the public meeting. <br />URS will prepare a black and white, 8.5" x 11" comment card that will be made available at the public <br />meeting and can be used by the public to record and mail comments to the City for inclusion in the Final <br />EIR. Those submitting comments (commentors) using this card would be responsible for postage. <br />It is assumed that no formal presentation will be required of URS staff at the public meeting. <br />It is also assumed that URS will not be responsible for retaining an entity to record public <br />comments (e.g., court reporter). <br />Task 8 -- Prepare Responses to Comments on Draft ElR and Prepare Final EIR <br />URS, including its traffic and cultural resources subconsultants, will coordinate with the City to prepare <br />responses to comments received on the Draft EIR during its 45 -day public review circulation period. It is <br />assumed that no more than 20 comments (a maximum of 5 of which will be cultural resources related; a <br />maximum of 5 of which will be traffic analysis related) will be received on the Draft EIR, and none of the <br />comments received will require additional analysis not already addressed in the technical studies that <br />support the EIR. KOA Corporation will prepare responses to the traffic- related comments, and Discovery <br />Work, Inc. will prepare responses to the cultural resources related comments on the Draft HM. URS will <br />prepare responses to the remaining comments (i.e., 10) received on the Draft EIR. <br />Task 9 — Attend Planning Commission and City Council Meetings <br />In addition to attendance at the public meeting on the Draft EIR as described above in Task 7, the URS <br />Project Manager will attend one Planning Commission Meeting and one City Council Meeting, at which <br />time the project will be considered for approval. <br />Task 10 — Prepare Notice of Determination <br />URS will prepare the Notice of Determination (NOD) for the City's transmittal to the State <br />Clearinghouse. URS is not responsible for any associated filing fees (e.g., CA Dept. of Fish and <br />Game) associated with the NOD submittal. <br />25A -13 <br />