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SB-146932-D <br />(Ed. 07109) <br />(2) Structural alterations, new Damage To Property, is replaced by the <br />construction or demolition operations following: <br />performed by or on behalf of such <br /> <br />additional insured. k. Damage To Property <br />g. Co-owner of Insured Premises "Property damage" to: <br />A co-owner of a premises co-owned by you 1. Property you own, rent or occupy, <br />and covered under this insurance but only including any costs or expenses <br />with respect to the co-owners liability as co- incurred by you, or any other person, <br />owner of such premises. organization or entity, for repair, <br /> replacement, enhancement, <br />h. Lessor of Equipment restoration or maintenance of such <br />Any person or organization from whom you property for any reason, including <br />lease equipment. Such person or organization prevention of injury to a person or <br />' <br />are insureds only with respect to their liability damage to another <br />s property; <br />arising out of the maintenance, operation or 2. Premises you sell, give away or <br />use by you of equipment leased to you by abandon, if the "property damage" <br />such person or organization. A person's or arises out of any part of those <br />organization's status as an insured under this premises; <br />endorsement ends when their written contract <br /> <br />or agreement with you for such leased 3. Property loaned to you; <br />equipment ends. 4. Personal property in the care, <br />With respect to the insurance afforded these custody or control of the insured; <br />additional insureds, the following additional 5. That particular part of any real <br />exclusions apply: property on which you or any <br />This insurance does not apply: contractors or subcontractors working <br /> directly or indirectly in your behalf are <br />(1) To any "occurrence" which takes place performing operations, if the "property <br />after the equipment lease expires; or damage" arises out of those <br />(2) To "bodily injury," <br />() y i ry," "property damage" or operations; or <br />"personal and advertising injury" arising 6. That particular part of any property <br />out of the sole negligence of such that must be restored, repaired or <br />additional insured. replaced because "your work" was <br />Any insurance provided to an additional insured incorrectly performed on it. <br />designated under paragraphs b. through h. above Paragraph 2 of this exclusion does not <br />does not apply to "bodily injury" or "property apply if the premises are "your work" and <br />damage" included within the "products-completed were never occupied, rented or held for <br />operations hazard." rental by you. <br />3. The following is added to Paragraph H. of the Paragraphs 1, 3, and 4, of this exclusion <br />BUSINESSOWNERS COMMON POLICY do not apply to "property damage" (other <br />CONDITIONS: than damage by fire or explosion) to <br />H. Other Insurance premises: <br />4. This insurance is excess over any other (1) rented to you: <br />insurance naming the additional insured (2) temporarily occupied by you with the <br />as an insured whether primary, excess, permission of the owner, or <br />contingent or on any other basis unless a (3) to the contents of premises rented to <br />written contract or written agreement you for a period of 7 or fewer <br />specifically requires that this insurance be consecutive days. <br />either primary or primary and <br />noncontributing. A separate limit of insurance <br /> applies to Damage To Premises Rented <br />4. LEGAL LIABILITY - DAMAGE TO PREMISES To You as described in Section D - <br />A. Under B. Exclusions <br />1. Applicable to Liability and Medical Expenses Limits of <br />, <br />Business Liability Coverage, Exclusion k. Insurance. <br />SB-146932-D Page 3 of 5 <br />(Ed. 07/09)