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MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING NO. C-9-0826 <br />EXHIBIT A <br />5. Goals and objectives of the Harbor Boulevard BRT Corridor TSS <br />6. Completed and remaining TSS Design Phase Project tasks <br />7. TSS analysis process <br />8. Review and approval coordination process <br />9. Project schedule, key milestones, and deliverables <br />3.2.2 TASK B-2: HARBOR BOULEVARD BRT CORRIDOR TSS DESIGN <br />FINALIZATION SERVICES — REVIEW COMPLETED TSS STUDY ALIGNMENT <br />VERIFICATION <br />Previous consultant reviewed the Harbor Boulevard BRT Corridor signalized <br />intersection list provided by the AUTHORITY and met with each affected agency <br />to verify the number of signalized intersections that would be included on each <br />arterial/collector road along the Harbor Boulevard BRT Corridor. <br />Previous consultant completed Harbor Boulevard BRT Corridor TSS Alignment <br />Draft and Final Reports showing the study area including the arterials/collector <br />roads and the number of signalized intersections that were synchronized as part <br />of this project. <br />AUTHORITY shall provide an electronic copy, in MS Word and Adobe Acrobat <br />(PDF) format, of the completed AUTHORITY and agencies approved TSS <br />Alignment Final Report to the CONSULTANT for review and background <br />information. <br />CONSULTANT shall provide a section in the technical memorandum deliverable <br />as described in Section 3.2.6 to AUTHORITY detailing the findings of the <br />completed TSS Alignment Final Report review. <br />3.2.3 TASK B-3: HARBOR BOULEVARD BRT CORRIDOR TSS DESIGN <br />FINALIZATION SERVICES — REVIEW COMPLETED DATA COLLECTION <br />Previous consultant collected all data necessary to thoroughly understand <br />existing traffic conditions along the Harbor Boulevard BRT Corridor to facilitate <br />the development of optimal time -of -day traffic signal synchronization plans. <br />Previous consultant collected from the affected agencies the following: <br />1. Existing timing sheets <br />2. Existing synchronization plans <br />3. Existing synchronization zones <br />Scope of Work 42 05/18/10 <br />