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MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING NO. C-9-0825 <br />EXHIBIT A <br />It is required that in the TSS Design Phase, CONSULTANT, AUTHORITY, and <br />agencies (if available), conduct bi-weekly meetings in order to provide a <br />continuous dialogue and develop a team relationship for the success of this <br />project. <br />CONSULTANT shall prepare and distribute meeting minutes and action item <br />matrix to the project team prior to the next meeting. CONSULTANT shall provide <br />progress reports and schedules that will include completion and milestones for <br />each task including meetings. The progress report and schedule will be provided <br />to AUTHORITY on a monthly basis. <br />AUTHORITY and/or its designee shall be provided with draft meeting agendas <br />for their review and written approval prior to the preparation of final meeting <br />agendas. AUTHORITY and/or its designee shall be provided with draft meeting <br />minutes for their review and written approval prior to the distribution of final <br />meeting minutes. AUTHORITY and/or its designee shall be invited and shall <br />participate at every meeting. <br />Westminster/17th Street BRT Corridor TSS Design deliverables (in part to <br />include): <br />C8a. Project Meeting Agendas. <br />C8b. Project Meeting Minutes and Action items. <br />C8c. Action Item Matrix. <br />Scope of Work 64 05/18/1 O