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PUBLIC NEARINGS <br />ROLL CALLS The Regular Meeting of the Santa Ana Planning Commission was called <br />to order and conducted by Chairman Mondo in the City Council Chambers, 22 Civic <br />Center Plaza, Santa Ana, California. Roll call was answered by Commissioners <br />Oliver, Doughty, Nalle, Pedroza, and Segura. Also in attendance were Kenneth <br />Adams, Planning Manager; other City staff in attendance: Richard Lay, Assistant <br />City Attorney; Bill Apple, Assistant Planner ZI, Jeffry Rice, Senior Planner; <br />Mike McCoy of the Santa Ana Police Department; and Sharon McCain-Johnson, <br />Recording Secretary. <br />PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG: The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chairman <br />' Mondo. <br />PROCEDURAL RULES: The procedural rules for the session were read by Chairman <br />Mondo. <br />PUBLIC HEARINGSā€¢ <br />1. AMENDMENT APPLICATION NO. 95-3, CONDITIONAL USE PERNIT NO. 95-10, AND <br />CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 95-14 filed by Mr. Lee Co itz to allow a gas <br />station/mini market and the sale of beer and wine for off-premise <br />consumption located at 1351 East Dyer Road in the Light Industrial (M1) <br />zoning district. <br />(COntinved by Planning Commission Jvne 26, 1995 to Jaly 24, 1995) <br />A. Amendment Application No. 95-3 to change the zoning designation from <br />Light Industrial (M1) to Specific Development No. 12 (SD-12) and <br />amend the permitted uses in Specific Development No. 12. <br />Recommend that the City Council adopt an <br />ordinance approving Amendment Application No. 95- <br />3. <br />B. Conditional Use Parmit No. 95-10 to convert the existing auto <br />service area into a mini market; add gas pampa; and a canopy to an <br />exiting gas station within the Specific Development No. 12 (SD-12) <br />zoning district. <br />RECOMMENDATION: Approve Conditional Use Permit No. 95-10 as <br />conditioned by staff and adopt the findings as <br />' submitted by staff. <br />C. Conditioaal Use Permit No. 94-14 filed by Mr. Coitz to allow the <br />sale of beer and wine for off-premise consumption at the gas <br />station/mini market. (Bill Apple) <br />RECOMMENDATION: Approve Conditional Uae Permit No. 95-14 as <br />conditioned by staff and adopt the findings as <br />submitted by staff. <br />Mr. Bill Apple, Assistant Planner II, gave a brief overview of the <br />staff report and mentioned the project came before the Commission at <br />the previous meeting of July 10, 1995. Mr. Apple indicated the <br />applicant is requesting to remodel an existing gas station on the <br />northwest corner of Grand Avenue and Dyer Road by converting an <br />existing auto repair bay into a mini market; sell beer and wine <br />within the mini market; add a new four vehicle gas island and <br />canopy; and upgrade landscaping and signage. The area ie average in <br />police related incidents. However, Mr. Apple indicated the only <br />outstanding issue remaining consists of accommodating the <br />applicant's request for additional pole lights; staff believes the <br />poles provide unnecessary signage opportunity and lighting provided <br />by the canopy is adequate. Staff recommended approval of the <br />Amendment Application, Conditional Use Permit No. 94-10, and <br />Conditional Use Permit No. 94-14 as conditioned. <br />. Commissioner Oliver asked what are the proposed hours for the sale <br />of beer and wine. <br />Mr. Apple indicated that no hour limitations were established <br />' although the Police Department normally regulates the hours for <br />alcoholic sales. <br />Commissioner Oliver asked if staff has any control over the floor <br />area ratio being used to sell beer and wine. <br />Mr. Apple indicated that no floor area ratio was applied and the <br />formula is normally associated with market establishments. <br />Mr. Adams stated floor area ratios for gas station convenience <br />outlets are not usually regulated through the City. <br />Commissioner Oliver asked if there are any special rules or <br />regulations to selling alcoholic beverages for mini markets at <br />service stations. <br />PLANNING COMMLCSmN MINUfFS Iuly ]A, 1995 <br />3 <br />