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F. Comments from the Planning Commission. <br />F. Comments from the Planning Commission. <br />Commissioner Doughty requested staff to investigate the status of 1418 West Santa Claza as soon as <br />possible. She stated that it appeared that constmction was taking place at the residence without the <br />necessazy approvals and permits. <br />Commissioner Mondo informed staff that there had been an increase in transients and loitering activity at the <br />Sunflower and Bristol shopping center.. He requested that enforcement activities be increased for the areas <br />to control the activity. <br />' Commissioner Cribb informed staff that there had been an increase in signs placed in the right of way on <br />Seventeenth Street and especially, garage sale signs and asked if staff could create a mechanism to decrease <br />the unsightly signage. <br />Madam Chair Verino informed staff that she had noticed an increase in graffiti on Flower Street and on <br />residential homes, specifically the name `KC' was appearing often. She requested that the graffiti be <br />removed expeditiously. <br />G. Comments from the Planning Manager. <br />Mr. Adams apprised the Commission that the Discovery Science Center was coming before them during the <br />public heazing session. The applicant was requesting to be allowed to install wedding trees instead of date <br />palm trees. In addition, to the modification from the trees, the Center was also requesting that the equipment <br />on the roof not be screened and be waived from the requirements. <br />Commissioner Mondo asked what the Specific Development stated as to the trees and the screening of <br />equipment. Mr. Adams stated that the Specific Development required date palms and mechanical equipment <br />be screened. <br />Mr. Adams further informed the Commission that item number three of the public heazings was the <br />live/work project. The project was coming before the Commission without a staff recommendation due to <br />the applicant's desire to move forwazd with the case prior to the resolution of atl issues <br />Staff further discussed with the Commission the unresolved issues regarding trash concerns, drive aisles, <br />' pedestrian esplanade azeas, site lighting, and CC&R's for the project. <br />H. Recess. <br />The afternoon session recessed at 7:05 p.m. <br /> <br />2 <br />