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ABANDONMENT N0.98-09. AND STREET ABANDONMENT NO. 98-09 <br />3. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 98-17. TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 15748. ALLEY <br />ABANDONMENT N0.98-09. AND STREET ABANDONMENT NO. 98-09 <br />Filed by Mr. Arthur Strock to allow artist live/work uses; to subdivide properties and to integrate abandoned <br />portions of Second Street and an alley in order to construct 461ive/work studios located at 201 North Main <br />Street in the Central Business-Artist (C3-A) zoning district. <br />LEGALLY NOTICID: October 14, 1998 <br />PUBLICLY NOTICED: October 13, 1998 <br />RECOMMENDATION: <br />' Commission policy. <br />Mr. Joseph Edwards, Principal Planner, presented the staff report and discussed the request of the applicant. <br />In addition, he informed the Commission of several staff concerns in relation to the project such as project <br />design, the site plan, vesting tentative tract map, dead-end drive aisles, the maintenance of public azeas and <br />landscaping, pedestrian esplanade azeas, lighting, trash removal, hardscape repair, and liability. <br />Mr. Arthur Strock, applicant, provided an overview of the proposed project and discussed with the <br />Commission the three phases of the project. <br />Mc Chris Taylor, representing the applicant, expressed concerns regarding the CEQA checklist findings for <br />hazazdous materials and utilities. <br />The following persons spoke in favor of the proposed project: <br />Bill Harris <br />John Gothold <br />Gerald Schwartz <br />Commissioner Doughty indicated that she was very supportive of the project but expressed her concerns <br />with the project not having completed CC&R's for review. She further stated that as proposed she did not <br />feel comfortable making a recommendation for approval or denial; she was not in favor of the flat roofs, not <br />. having a homeowners association for the development, the trash removal and maintenance, and the disposal <br />of the hazazdous waste. <br />Commissioner MacDowell echoed his support for the project but expressed his concern regarding not having <br />assurances that only artists could live in the units. He also emphasized the need to review CC&R's for the <br />project. <br />Madam Chair Verino indicated that she was looking forward to the project but expressed her concern <br />regazding the project not having a homeowners association, liability and maintenance issues, and not having <br />CC&R's to review for the development. <br />Commissioner Mondo stated that he supported the project but he believed many issues needed to be resolved <br />regarding the proposal such as the street lights, trees, gates for the private driveways, trash collection, <br />disposal of hazazdous materials, and sewer issues. In addition, he reiterated that CC&R's are a necessazy <br />component in the project. <br />Commissioner Solorio stated that he supported the live/work concept and believed that it was a unique <br />project. He expressed concern with the quick Cimeframe of the project, the necessity of the CC&R's, and <br />requested the applicant develop a quality project for the City. <br />Commissioner Cribb thanked that applicant and staff for bringing forward the project and expressed his <br />support for the proposal. He stated that he had discussed the project with the applicant several times. In <br />addition, he expressed concern regazding the hazardous material disposal, the trees being placed in planters, <br />the maintenance of the project, and he echoed the necessity of a quality project. <br />Commissioner Nalle requested information regarding the selling prices of the units and expressed his <br />concern regazding not having CC&R's to review for the project. <br />After further discussion, the Commission requested that the applicant complete the CC&R's, consider a <br />Specific Development zoning district for the artists live/work community, the refuse/trash removal, site <br />lighting design, pedestrian promenade paving for the project, installation of the security gates, planting of <br />trees, and complete required revisions to the tentative tract map. <br />5 <br />
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