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E. RESOLUTION NO.00-OS <br />Confirm Resolution No. 00-05 denying Variance No. OOAl to allow relief from code requirements for <br />signage at a proposed Home Depot located at 1750 East Edinger Avenue. <br />RECOMMENDATION: <br />Confirm Resolution No. 00-OS denying Variance No. 00-01. <br />' F. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0.95-03 <br />Review of Conditional Use Permit NO. 95-03 for the Main Ranch Market located at 1301 North Main <br />Street. <br />RECOMMENDATION: <br />Receive and file the March 2000 review of Conditional Use Permit No. 95-03. <br />***** END OF CONSENT CALENDAR ***** <br />Motion to approve Consent Calendar items. <br />MOTION: Verino SECONDED: Cribb <br />AYES: Mondo, Solorio, Verino, and Cribb <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: Nalle, Doughty, and Richardson <br />ABSTENTION: None <br />STUDY SESSION <br />G. Overview of the proposed fence ordinance (Zoning Ordinance Amendment No. 00-01) <br />Ms. Marta Crane, Associate Planner, provided an overview of the proposed fence ordinance and led a <br />question and answer session with the Commission. <br />Commissioner Mondo commented that he would like staff to re-consider fee for a fence minor exception. <br />Commissioner Solorio commented that he would like staff to ensure that all property owners be notified of <br />the fence ordinance. <br />Commissioner Verino commented that she would like staff to ensure that the language in the ordinance can <br />be easily read and understood. <br />Commissioner Cribb commented that he would like for cinder block to be considered, however, if it is not a <br />permitted material that the requests be reviewed by the Zoning Administrator. <br />H. Comments from the Executive Director. <br />Ms. Robyn Uptegraff, Executive Director, indicated that: 1) the City Council remanded an amendment to <br />Chapter 41 concerning commercial vehicles in residential zones to the Planning Commission; 2) Home <br />Depot appealed the Planning Commission decision to deny the variance for relief from signage; 3) a new <br />tenant for the Crazy Horse would be applying for a conditional use permit; and 4) Opera Pacific was <br />interested in an Industrial building, located at Warner and Gamsey for musical productions, assembly use, <br />and rehearsals, the request would require discretionary actions in the future. <br />I. Comments from Planning staff. <br />M. Joseph Edwards, Principal Planner, informed the Commission that the Housing Element had been <br />completed, however, an issue existed with the REHNA numbers. He further apprised the Commission that <br />the City of Santa Ana was one of the cities that appealed the decision due to not agreeing with the <br />allocation of low-income housing units the City was directed to provide. <br />J. Comments form the Citv Attorney. <br />There were no comments. <br />