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December b, 2010 <br />Ms. Danell Mercado <br />City of Santa Ana <br />220 5. Daisy Ave. <br />Santa Ana, CA 92702 <br />Ms. Mercado. <br />In an effort to promote stability, guarantee residents and businesses with quality graffiti <br />removal and customer service, GPC is committing to no increases in its unit cost for the <br />next five years of contract service. By blitzing the City with an aggressive and thorough <br />proactive "zero tolerance" effort, and including color matching and daily upper level <br />graffiti removal city-wide w the contract, GPC is confident that within one year the <br />amount of graffiti reoceurrences will decrease. As a result, GK in coordination with City <br />staff will re-evaluate required manpower after one year, and will remove one vehicle <br />from service which would reduce our contractual obligation by $120,000. <br />I would also like to inform you of GPC's effoiis working directly with the community. <br />GPG offers hands on workshops and sponsored clean-up events with neighborhood <br />leaders and volunteers to educate them on graffiti removal along with leaving them <br />training and supplies to continue helping in their community. <br />SineerejN,r, , <br />f: <br />Carla LerHmtif , President <br />Exhibit 1 <br />25C-5