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Chapter 3 Findings Regarding Project Alternatives <br />be to prohibit traffic control measures during peak hours. Prohibiting traffic control measures is not <br />technically feasible due to the extent of required improvements and associated traffic control <br />measures. Accordingly, the City found that this impact is significant and unavoidable. <br />4.3 Overriding Considerations <br />The City hereby finds that economic, legal, social, technological or other benefits of the Proposed <br />Project outweigh the significant and unavoidable impacts identified in the EIR. In making this <br />finding, the City has balanced the benefits of the Project against its unavoidable significant impact <br />and has indicated its willingness to accept that adverse impact. The Santa Ana City Council finds that <br />the following benefits of the Proposed Project warrant approval of the Proposed Project <br />notwithstanding its significant, unavoidable environmental impact. <br />Having (i) adopted all feasible mitigation measures, (ii) rejected as infeasible alternatives to the <br />Project discussed above, (iii) recognized all significant, unavoidable impacts, and (iv) balanced the <br />benefits of the proposed Project against the its significant and unavoidable impact, the City hereby <br />finds that its benefits outweigh and override its significant unavoidable impact for the reasons stated <br />below. Each benefit set forth below constitutes an overriding consideration warranting approval of <br />the Project, independent of the other benefits, despite the Project's unavoidable impact. <br />4.3.1 Project Benefits <br />1. The construction and operation of a lift station facility facilitates a public need for the <br />conveyance and treatment of wastewater generated in this portion of the City, and the Project <br />is necessary to ensure the City's continued ability to provide for this essential public service. <br />2. The Project will provide for a new replacement lift station incorporating modern equipment <br />and additional redundancies that will reduce the potential for sewer spills in the local area as <br />compared to existing conditions. <br />3. The Project will provide for a new lift station facility that houses electrical equipment above <br />ground, thereby reducing the potential for power failures during peak storm events as <br />compared to the existing condition. <br />4. The Project will enhance the safety of City maintenance personnel by providing for a <br />replacement lift station that is located outside of the rights-of-way of major thoroughfares <br />and that provides ample working space to conduct maintenance activities. <br />5. The Project will reduce long-term impacts to transportation/traffic and will improve vehicular <br />safety by eliminating the need for lane closures during routine maintenance of the lift station <br />facility, which is required under existing conditions. <br />6. The Project will incorporate modern odor control equipment that will reduce the potential for <br />exposing nearby sensitive receptors to objectionable odors as compared to existing conditions. <br />7. The Project will provide for landscape and hardscape improvements that will enhance the <br />appearance of the Project area. <br />San Lorenzo Lift Station EIR (Project No. 06-3510) 4-10 <br />Findings of Fact/Statement of Overriding Consideration <br />5513-35