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number of hours per day. For continued approval, the family must submit a new, written <br />request-subject to SAHA verification-at each annual reexamination. <br />In addition, the family and live-in aide will be required to submit a certification stating that the <br />live-in aide is (1) not obligated for the support of the person(s) needing the care, and (2) would <br />not be living in the unit except to provide the necessary supportive services. <br />SAHA will not approve a particular person as a live-in aide, and may withdraw such approval if <br />[24 CFR 982.316(b)]: <br />The person commits fraud, bribery or any other corrupt or criminal act in connection with <br />any federal housing program; <br />The person commits drug-related criminal activity or violent criminal activity; or <br />The person currently owes rent or other amounts to SAHA or to another PHA in <br />connection with Section 8 or public housing assistance under the 1937 Act. <br />Within 14 days of receiving a request for alive-in aide, including all required documentation <br />related to the request, SAHA will notify the family of its decision in writing. At a family's <br />annual recertification SAHA will review and confirm the continued need for the live-in aide. <br />iii29i2oio Page 3-8 <br />