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Timeframe for Determination of Citizenship Status [24 CFR 5.508(g)] <br />For new occupants joining the assisted family, SAHA must verify status at the first interim or <br />regular reexamination following the person's occupancy, whichever comes first. <br />If an individual qualifies for a time extension for the submission of required documents, SAHA <br />must grant such an extension for no more than 30 days [24 CFR 5.508(h)]. <br />Each family member is required to submit evidence of eligible status only one time during <br />continuous occupancy. <br />SAHA will verify the status of applicants at the time other eligibility factors are determined. <br />3-ILC. SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS [24 CFR 5.216 and 5.218, Notice PIH 2010-3] <br />The applicant and all members of the applicant's household must disclose the complete and <br />accurate social security number (SSN) assigned to each household member, and the <br />documentation necessary to verify each SSN. A detailed discussion of acceptable documentation <br />is provided in Chapter 7. <br />Note: These requirements do not apply to noncitizens who do not contend eligible immigration <br />status. <br />In addition, each participant who has not previously disclosed an SSN, has previously disclosed <br />an SSN that HUD or the SSA determined was invalid, or has been issued a new SSN must <br />submit their complete and accurate SSN and the documentation required to verify the SSN at the <br />time of the next interim or annual reexamination or recertification. Participants age 62 or older as <br />of January 31, 2010, whose determination of eligibility was begun before January 31, 2010, are <br />exempt from this requirement and remain exempt even if they move to a new assisted unit. <br />SAHA must deny assistance to an applicant family if they do not meet the SSN disclosure and <br />documentation requirements contained in 24 CFR 5.216. <br />3-ILD. FAMILY CONSENT TO RELEASE OF INFORMATION [24 CFR 5.230, <br />HCV GB, p. 5-13] <br />HUD requires each adult family member, and the head of household, spouse, or cohead, <br />regardless of age, to sign form HUD-9886, Authorization for the Release of Information/Privacy <br />Act Notice, SAHA's Consent to Release Information form, and other consent forms as needed to <br />collect information relevant to the family's eligibility and level of assistance. Chapter 7 provides <br />detailed information concerning the consent forms and verification requirements. <br />SAHA must deny admission to the program if any member of the applicant family fails to sign <br />and submit the consent forms for obtaining information in accordance with 24 CFR 5, Subparts <br />B and F [24 CFR 982.552(b)(3)]. <br />iii29i2oio Page 3-12 <br />