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Previous Behavior in Assisted Housing [24 CFR 982.552(c)] <br />HUD authorizes SAHA to deny assistance based on the family's previous behavior in assisted <br />housing: <br />SAHA will not deny assistance to an otherwise eligible family because the family previously <br />failed to meet its obligations under the Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) program. <br />SAHA will deny assistance to an applicant family if: <br />The family does not provide information that SAHA or HUD determines is necessary in <br />the administration of the program. <br />The family does not provide complete and true information to SAHA. <br />Any family member has been evicted from federally-assisted housing in the last five <br />years. <br />Any PHA has ever terminated assistance under the program for any member of the <br />family. <br />Any family member has committed fraud, bribery, or any other corrupt or criminal act in <br />connection with any federal housing program. <br />The family owes rent or other amounts to any PHA in connection with the HCV, <br />Certificate, Moderate Rehabilitation or public housing programs, unless the family repays <br />the full amount of the debt prior to being selected from the waiting list. <br />If the family has not reimbursed any PHA for amounts paid to an owner under a HAP <br />contract for rent, damages to the unit, or other amounts owed by the family under the <br />lease, unless the family repays the full amount of the debt prior to being selected from the <br />waiting list. <br />The family has breached the terms of a repayment agreement entered into with the PHA, <br />unless the family repays the full amount of the debt covered in the repayment agreement <br />prior to being selected from the waiting list. <br />A family member has engaged in or threatened violent or abusive behavior toward PHA <br />personnel. <br />Abusive or violent behavior towards PHA personnel includes verbal as well as <br />physical abuse or violence. Use of racial epithets, or other language, written or <br />oral, that is customarily used to intimidate may be considered abusive or violent <br />behavior. <br />Threatening refers to oral or written threats or physical gestures that communicate <br />intent to abuse or commit violence. <br />In making its decision to deny assistance, SAHA will consider the factors discussed in <br />Section 3-III.E. Upon consideration of such factors, SAHA may, on a case-by-case basis, <br />decide not to deny assistance. <br />iii29i2oio Page 3-19 <br />