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Mr. View stated staff would work them, making sure they. had time to read the document <br />and if necessary call a special meeting. <br />2. HISTORIC REGISTER N0.2001-02 <br />Filed on behalf of Albert Scott to request that fhe Historic Resources <br />Commission affirm or rescind the decision to place fhe structure located at <br />1320 North Broadway on the Santa Ana Register of Historic Property. <br /> <br />PUBLISHED IN THE REGISTER: December 21, 2001 <br />PUBLICLY NOTICED: December 21, 2001 <br />RECOMMENDATION: <br />Adopt a resolution affirming the decision to place the property located at <br />1320 North Broadway on the Santa Ana Register of Historic Properties. <br />Erma Hernandez, Assistant Planner, presented the staff report and recommendation. <br />No written communications had been received. <br />Madam Chair Kings opened the public hearing. <br />n <br />Jim Scott, one of the owners, stated a letter he had written was in the Commissioners' <br />packets. He had a fundamental belief that for this Commission and for properties like <br />this to be protected a partnership was needed with the owner. They were never involved <br />or notified and are asking for due process so they can go forward. They do not want this <br />designation or restrictions, controls, and red tape. In November 2000 family members <br />spoke with Councilman Lutz about the process to undesignate the property. They have <br />followed what staff asked and now ask to remove the house from the Register. <br />Madam Chair Kings asked regarding red tape, if there were specific items. <br />Mr. Scott said they discovered the designation when they tried to get a roofing permit; <br />every time they want to upgrade controls appear. <br />Madam Chair Kings closed the public hearing. <br />Discussion held regarding the advantages of a home being on the Register, the potential <br />of a historic district on Broadway, and the protection placement on the Register provides <br />the home. The Commission noted that the property is well maintained, thanked him for <br />his efforts, and advised Mr. Scott of the appeal process. <br />Motion to adopt a resolution approving Historic Register No. 2001-02. <br />MOTION: Richardson SECOND: Bustamante <br />AYES: Bustamante, Chinn, Corpin, Gartner, Giles, Kings, O'Callaghan, <br />Richardson, Schaefer (9) <br />NOES: None (0) <br />ABSENT: None (0) <br />ABSTENTION: None (0) <br /> <br />HISTORIC RESOURCES COMMISSION MINUTES 6 FEBRUARY 7, 2002 <br />