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RECOMMENDATION: <br />RECOMMENDATION: <br />Receive and file the Categorical Exemption for Environmental Review No. 00-195. <br />~r~ <br /> <br />2. <br />2. Adopt a resolution approving Historic Resources Commission Application No. 00-05. <br />3. Adopt a resolution approving Historic Register Categorization No. 00-27. <br />Ms. Lucy Linnaus, Assistant Planner I, presented the staff report and recommendation. <br />Madam Chair Kings opened the public hearing at 4:55 p.m. <br />There were no public comments. <br />Madam Chair Kings closed the public hearing at 4:56 p.m. <br />Commissioner Giles disclosed that he had discussed the appliication with Ms. Debbie McKewen; that <br />he believed she had put a great deal of time and money in the maintenance of the structure; and it <br />was a great contribution to French Park. <br />Motion to: 1) receive and file the Categorical Exemption for Environmental Review No. 00- <br />198; 2) adopt a resolution approving Historic Resources Commission Application No. 00-05; <br />and 3) adopt a resolution approving Historic Register Categorization No. 00-27. <br />MOTION: Giles <br />AYES: <br />NOES: <br />ABSENT: <br />ABSTENTIONS: <br />SECOND: Cribb <br />Kings, Berry, Corpin, Cribb, Giles, Bustamante, and Chinn <br />None <br />Breves and Gartner <br />None <br />Filed by the City of Santa Ana to place and categorize the Orange County Courthouse, located at 30 <br />Civic Center Plaza, as a Key structure on the Santa Ana Register of Historical Properties. <br />PUBLISHED IN THE REGISTER: November 26, 2000 <br />PUBLICLY NOTICED: November 27, 2000 <br />RECOMMENDATION: <br />Receive and file the Categorical Exemption for Environmental Review No. 00-196. <br /> <br />2. Adopt a resolution approving Historic Resources Commission Application No. 00-06. <br />3. Adopt a resolution approving Historic Register Categorization No. 00-28. <br />Madam Chair Kings noted the distributed letter from Mr. Rawlings, County of Orange, requesting a <br />continuance. However, she indicated that she would like to cCnduct the public hearing. <br />Commissioner Bustamante stated that he would abstain from the discussion and action due to a <br />conflict of interest. <br />Ms. Lucy Linnaus, Assistant Planner II, presented the staff report and recommendation. <br />Madam Chair Kings opened the public hearing at 5:02 p.m. <br />There were no public comments. <br />Madam Chair Kings closed the public hearing at 5:03 p.m. <br />Commissioner Cribb requested clarification as to why the structure was not being <br />categorized as a Landmark structure. He provided comments as to Richard Neutra being a <br />significant famous architect and emphasized his international stature; that the building was <br />a rare structure and any court house was significant in terms of its importance to the <br />community; and he further commented as to the precedence of placing the structure on the <br />Register and the influence the structure had on Fourth Street, downtown, and the Civic <br />Center area. <br />2 <br />