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Trucks also possess spray bottles, abrasive and non - abrasive sponges, towels, bags of baking <br />soda, baking soda blasting attachment for wet blasting, plastic sheeting, 4 sizes of pressure washer <br />tips, 100 extra feet of pressure washer hose, 3 different gmffnti removers, blue painter's tape, <br />razor blades, spray gun and wand, and quick connectors. <br />Each truck is equipped with water recovery and recycling equipment. The unit is a fully <br />automatic zero discharge - closed loop wash water recovery system. This unit removes all <br />physical particles twenty microns and larger in size as well as absorbing petroleum <br />hydrocarbons. It collects the wash water as the technician is working, filters the water, and <br />returns the clean water to the main water tank. Recovery machines are in compliance with <br />current wastewater regulations and requirements. <br />Mounted on the trucks are dual strobe lights. The trucks possess a "Men Working" flag sign as <br />well as enough cones to comply with WATCH handbook requirements. Inside the trucks are <br />caution tape, respirators, first aid kits, MSDS sheets, safety equipment, and tools for repairs. <br />Truck Identification <br />All GPC tracks will have the permanent vinyl GPC logos on the doors. Backs of the trucks will <br />have permanent reflective decals stating "MANY STOPS DO NOT FOLLOW". Since the trucks <br />will be exclusively used for the City, GPC will place permanent 8 -inch vinyl logos "Under <br />Contract with the City of Santa Ana" on driver and passenger doors under the GPC logo (Magnets <br />will not last). If the vehicles are ever temporarily used for purposes other than for the City, "City <br />of Santa Ana" will be covered with blue painter's tape. <br />Method Determination- Painted Surfaces <br />On most all previously painted surfaces (with the exception of some semi- gloss, gloss, oil based, <br />powder coated, and anti- graffiti coated surfaces) the best method of removal is to prep and repaint <br />graffiti affected areas with exact color matches. For the few exceptions listed in parentheses <br />above, GPC possesses a graffiti remover that erases the graffiti without damaging the finish or <br />color of those surfaces. <br />The choices for applying the graffiti removal touch -up paint are brush, 6" mini roller, 9" standard <br />roller, or airless sprayer. If the area to be painted is less than 1 square foot, most likely a brush <br />will be used If the area to be painted is more than 1 square foot and less than 25 square feet a <br />mini roller will be used. If the area to be painted is over 25 square feet or is extremely porous <br />such as certain stucco finishes or painted block walls where the roller does not easily fill the grout <br />areas, then GPC will use an airless sprayer. If wind conditions or smToundings dictate a sprayer <br />cannot be used, then a standard 9"roller will be used. <br />Methods- Painted Surfaces <br />Preparation ( prep), which includes adjacent surface protection, is vital in professional removal <br />and will be discussed in the subsequent headings. <br />