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NS-2816 - Adopting Guidelines for Telecommunications Facilities in the Public Right of Way
2011 - 2020 (NS-2813 - NS-3000)
2011 (NS-2813 - NS-2825)
NS-2816 - Adopting Guidelines for Telecommunications Facilities in the Public Right of Way
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1/3/2012 12:59:57 PM
Creation date
4/20/2011 8:53:12 AM
City Clerk
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NS-2954 - Repealing and Reenacting In Its Entirety Article X of Chapter 33 of Santa Ana Municipal Code Regarding Telecommunications Facilities in Public Right-of-Way
(Amended By)
\Ordinances\2011 - 2020 (NS-2813 - NS-3000)\2018 (NS-2935 - NS-2962)
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lss2/25/11 <br />(h) Historic Structures. The telecommunication facility should not be <br />located immediately in front of, beside or behind historic resources recognized by <br />the City pursuant to Chapter 30 of this Code. <br />Sec. 33-243. Public Safety Guidelines. <br />(a) Arterial Highway Pedestrian Passage. In public rights of way that are <br />designated in the Circulation Element of the City's General Plan as "arterial" streets <br />or highways, and which have an existing sidewalk, the telecommunication facility <br />should be located on the sidewalk or parkway such that there is a minimum six feet <br />(6') unobstructed distance between the edge of the cabinet and any private property, <br />in order to provide sufficient clearance for pedestrians and wheelchairs. If the paved <br />sidewalk is less than six feet (6') wide, the applicant may propose to construct <br />additional sidewalk to meet this requirement if possible; provided, however, that a <br />sufficient length of sidewalk shall be constructed to leave no discontinuities in the <br />new path of access. The telecommunication facility shall be installed in the public <br />right of way with a minimum of eighteen (18) inches of unobstructed distance <br />maintained between the edge of the cabinet and the edge of the curb face <br />(b) Non-arterial Highway Pedestrian Passage. In public rights of way that <br />are not designated in the Circulation Element of the City's General Plan as "arterial" <br />streets or highways, and which have an existing sidewalk, the telecommunication <br />facility shall be located on the sidewalk or parkway such that there is a minimum four <br />feet (4') unobstructed distance between the edge of the cabinet and any private <br />property line, in order to provide sufficient clearance for pedestrians and <br />wheelchairs. If the paved sidewalk is less than four feet (4') wide, the applicant may <br />propose to construct additional sidewalk to meet this requirement if possible; <br />provided, however, that a sufficient length of sidewalk shall be constructed to leave <br />no discontinuities in the new path of access. The telecommunication facility shall be <br />installed in the public right of way with a minimum of eighteen (18) inches of <br />unobstructed distance maintained between the edge of the cabinet and the edge of <br />the curb face <br />(c) Non-paved Sidewalks. In public rights of way with no existing sidewalk <br />pavement, the telecommunication facility shall be located in the parkway such that <br />there is a minimum four feet (4') unobstructed distance between the edge of the <br />cabinet and any private property line, in order to provide sufficient clearance for <br />pedestrians and wheelchairs by one of the following methods: <br />1. Where there is no curb face, the telecommunication facility shall <br />be installed in the public right of way with a minimum of four (4) feet of unobstructed <br />distance between the edge of the cabinet and the edge of the paved street; or <br />2. Where there is a curb face, the telecommunication facility shall <br />be installed in the public right of way with a minimum of eighteen (18) inches of <br />Ordinance NS-2816 <br />Page 11 of 16
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