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NS-2816 - Adopting Guidelines for Telecommunications Facilities in the Public Right of Way
2011 - 2020 (NS-2813 - NS-3000)
2011 (NS-2813 - NS-2825)
NS-2816 - Adopting Guidelines for Telecommunications Facilities in the Public Right of Way
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1/3/2012 12:59:57 PM
Creation date
4/20/2011 8:53:12 AM
City Clerk
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NS-2954 - Repealing and Reenacting In Its Entirety Article X of Chapter 33 of Santa Ana Municipal Code Regarding Telecommunications Facilities in Public Right-of-Way
(Amended By)
\Ordinances\2011 - 2020 (NS-2813 - NS-3000)\2018 (NS-2935 - NS-2962)
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and hold harmless and defend the City of Santa Ana, its officers and <br />employees from and against any and all suits, actions, judgments, losses, <br />costs, demands, claims, expenses (including attorney's fees), damages, and <br />liabilities of every kind for any and all claims for damage to property, or injury <br />to, or death of persons arising out of or resulting from the issuance of the <br />permit or the placement of the telecommunication facility, except to the extent <br />any damage or injury is due to the gross negligence or willful misconduct of <br />the City, its officers or employees. <br />(b) Obtain and file with the Clerk of the Council, and thereafter maintain during <br />the term of any such permit, certificates evidencing comprehensive general <br />liability insurance policy or policies, approved as to form by the City Attorney, <br />issued by an insurance company or companies authorized to do business in <br />the State of California. The City of Santa Ana, its officers and employees shall <br />be named as additional insureds on said policy or policies. The policy limits of <br />said insurance policy or policies shall be not less than one million dollars <br />($1,000,000.00) combined single limit for both bodily injury and property <br />damage, or equivalent. <br />Said policy or policies shall also contain a provision that no termination, <br />cancellation, or change of coverage of insured or additional insured shall be <br />effective until after twenty (20) days' notice thereof has been given in writing <br />to the Clerk of the Council. <br />Sec. 33-250. Coordination with other Projects <br />To the maximum extent possible and as permitted by law, an Applicant shall design and <br />schedule its Work so as to coordinate its Work with other persons installing, <br />constructing, or maintaining Facilities in the public right of way and with the City. <br />Sec. 33-251. Installation in Streets Subject to Future Improvement <br />Except in an Emergency or in the case of new service connections to a newly <br />constructed or substantially remodeled building, a Telecommunication Facility shall not <br />be installed in areas proposed for future street improvements pursuant to the City's <br />adopted five year capital improvement plan. <br />Sec. 33-252. Protection of Urban Forest <br />The permittee may be requested to retain, at its own cost, a certified arborist to advise <br />the permittee's contractor doing underground work in the public right of way as to <br />appropriate locations for underground vaults, conduits and other equipment and root <br />pruning techniques, if needed, so as to ensure minimal impact to existing trees and <br />other landscaping materials that are a part of the City's urban forest. The permittee's <br />arborist shall coordinate their work with the City's Community Forester. <br />Ordinance NS-2816 <br />Page 14 of 16
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