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AGREEMENT NO. C-1-2492 <br />EXHIBIT A <br />SCOPE OF WORK <br />Senior Mobility Program <br />Vietnamese Community of Orange County <br />1. The Vietnamese Community of Orange County (VNCOC) shall utilize funding <br />provided by OCTA and its local match to provide the following services to the <br />senior members of the Asian Senior Center of the VNCOC: <br />• Type of Service(s): Transportation for seniors to nutrition site, the Asian <br />Senior Center, and to supermarkets, medical and dental offices and <br />pharmacies when there is a need during business hours. <br />• Service Level: 40 hours/week, door-to-door service. <br />• Who is served: VNCOC senior members of 60 years old and over. <br />• Days/Hours of Service: Monday - Friday, 7:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. <br />• Area of Service: Orange County, emphasized in the cities with a high number <br />of VNCOC senior members. <br />2. VNCOC shall follow competitive procurement practices in selection of vendors for <br />all services which it does not provide using its own workforce. Any Request for <br />Proposals (RFP) for services shall specify the use of vehicles meeting Americans <br />with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessibility standards. <br />3. VNCOC wishes to utilize retirement eligible OCTA ACCESS vehicles for the <br />provision of SMP service. VNCOC is aware that additional vehicles may be <br />purchased from OCTA at a cost of $5,000 per vehicle. The cost shall be <br />deducted from the fiscal year allocation. VNCOC must register the vehicle and <br />maintain title for at least one year after transfer of title from OCTA. <br />4. VNCOC shall perform, or ensure that a contracted vendor performs, <br />maintenance of all vehicles used in the Senior Mobility program, including, at a <br />minimum: <br />• Daily Pre-Trip Inspections that meets or exceeds the guidelines provided in <br />the attached Pre-Operation Inspection & Defect Report (Attachment 1). <br />• Scheduled preventive maintenance that meets or exceeds the guidelines <br />provided in the attached Senior Mobility P.M. Checklist, including the <br />maintenance of all accessibility features of the vehicles (Attachment 2). <br />VNCOC shall maintain maintenance records for each vehicle for 5 years and <br />shall cooperate fully in annual Motor coach carrier terminal inspections <br />conducted by the California Highway Patrol. <br />5. VNCOC shall ensure that its operators, or its contracted vendor's operators, are <br />properly licensed and trained to proficiency to perform their duties safely, and in <br />25J-32