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• after they eat. It's their life and they have the right to smoke outdoors if <br />they want. With all the restricted ordinances, SAPD will not be able to <br />enforce another ordinance with other major problems in the city. <br />o Steve McGuigan commented it would be difficult to enforce this <br />ordinance, unless the ordinance has a high penalty. He appreciated <br />the intent of the ordinance. <br />o Vic Edge commented he is a non-smoker and it would be difficult to <br />stop persons from smoking, but we need to educate the public to <br />discard their cigarette butts into urns not on the ground. Monies should <br />be spent on other important things, rather than an ordinance that would <br />be difficult to enforce. <br />o Edgar Vazquez commented he has been in the soccer league for 20 <br />years and does not allow smoking in his soccer league. He supports <br />no smoking in city parks. <br />• City Council Comments: <br />o Councilmember Martinez commented we need to strike a balance with <br />our various ordinances and look at both sides. She agrees funding <br />may not be available to fully enforce this ordinance, but we need to <br />start looking into providing a healthy environment for our children. <br />o Councilmember Sarmiento commented he takes persons rights very <br />seriously and we should not regulate if we don't have too. He had a <br />• few questions on the enforcement cost and the environmental impact. <br />He commented the air quality report citied industrial business caused <br />pollution not cigarettes. Recommends this item be continued and <br />presented to the Public Safety committee. <br />o Councilmember Tinajero commented we need to make sure the <br />ordinance has teeth for enforcement and agreed the item be continued <br />and reviewed by the Public Safety Committee. <br />RECOMMENDATION: Continue the item for discussion before the Public <br />Safety Committee. <br />• RFP FOR PROPOSALS FOR PROVIDING DISCOUNT PHARMACY CARD <br />PROGRAM <br />• Robert Carroll presented a request to release a Request for Proposal (RFP) <br />to solicit companies that will provide a Discount Pharmacy Card to Santa Ana <br />residents. The RFCA will be submitted to City Council for approval. The US <br />Census Bureau estimates 32.7% of Santa Ana resident's 357,754 residents <br />are uninsured. The Discount Pharmacy Card Program will save residents <br />money on medication and provide a source of revenue to the City for health <br />related educational classes to the public. <br />• Gerardo Mouet indicated that similar programs currently exist, but people <br />• need to ask the pharmacy. These other programs do not provide revenue to <br />the city. <br />PREY Special Meeting - MINUTES 3 March 31, 2011 <br />13E-3