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City of Santa Ana SOW v4.9 <br />and Municipal Operations <br />5. Report on dissemination of the baseline GHG <br />inventory and energy savings analysis for the No later than February 28, 2012 with <br />Invoicing Requirements (see Task 4) <br />baseline GHG to the Community <br /> <br />6. Monthly status report Monthly with Invoicing Requirements <br />(see Task 4) <br />Task 2.B - Develop and Adopt an Energy Efficiency Chapter in a Climate Action Plan for Both <br />the Community and Municipal Operations <br />Implementer will develop an energy efficiency chapter in a climate action plan including <br />proposed GHG reductions, energy efficiency-related GHG mitigation measures, and the resulting <br />energy savings from meeting the proposed GHG reductions. The energy efficiency chapter will <br />also include the energy efficiency component of the GHG forecast. Implementer will provide all <br />materials developed under this task to CPM for review and comment. <br />1. Assessment and Planning Report for the Development of an Energy Efficiency Chapter <br />in a Climate Action Plan for Both the Community and Municipal Operations: The <br />Implementer will provide the CPM with a draft template for the energy efficiency <br />chapter in a climate action plan and a plan to develop the energy efficiency chapter. The <br />plan will include a description of the methods to forecast the energy efficiency <br />component of GHG forecast including the calculations of reductions in GHG emissions <br />and electricity consumption. The plan will also include a preliminary list of existing <br />energy efficiency related GHG mitigation programs and potential new energy efficiency <br />related GHG mitigation measures that will be evaluated in the development of the <br />energy efficiency chapter of the climate action plan. Within two (2) Calendar Days after <br />issuance of the NTP, SCE will provide the Implementer an assessment and planning <br />report template to be used by the Implementer in developing this Task 2B. <br />2. Draft Energy Efficiency Chapter for the Climate Action Plan for the Community and <br />Municipal Operations: After the template for the energy efficiency chapter in the <br />climate action plan has been finalized, Implementer will develop the draft energy <br />efficiency chapter and the GHG forecast for the energy efficiency component. <br />Implementer will also develop estimated reductions in GHG emissions and estimated <br />energy savings from implementing existing energy efficiency related GHG mitigation <br />programs and for all potential new energy efficiency related GHG mitigation measures. <br />Implementer will include in the draft energy efficiency chapter initial recommendations <br />and strategies for reducing electricity consumption and GHG emissions. Implementer <br />will provide the draft energy efficiency chapter for the Community and Municipal <br />Operations to the CPM. <br />Southern California Edison Company Page: 7 <br />20B-37