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„, <br />CERTSP'ICATE OF ACCEPTANCB <br />This is to certify that the interest in real property <br />conveyed by the deed or grant dated November 16 1910, <br />from??, of Santt Ina a municlo,l o?.??.,tion to ORANGE COUNTY CIVIC <br />CENTER AUTHORITY, a political corporation and/or governmental <br />agency is hereby accepted by order of the Civic Center Commission <br />on soeember 19 1910, (or by the undersigned officer <br />or agent on behalf of the Civic Center Commission pursuant to <br />authority conferred by resolution of the Civic Center Commission <br />adopted on November 19, 1910, ? and the grantee consents to recor- <br />elation thereof by its duly authorized officer. <br />Dated: November 19 1970 <br />? ?i? ? '\ <br />B4-J /?/j;?i l <br />Tom McMichael, Secretary ?-?