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1h'a space m fne Ceun{y Clerk'r Filing Startle <br />?71?'?1,C?1a??? <br />PROOF OF PUBLICATION <br />hU15,5 C,C,PJ <br />STATE OF CAIIfORNIA, <br />ss, <br />County of Orang¢, <br />;'rr,,ec^? cr,? <br />Prao{ of Publication of <br /> <br />C?B ?`6?T: 1B?PL <br />I am a ailiaeo of the United S{ales and a r¢sidenl of <br />the Couoly aforesaid; I am over Iha age of eighleeo <br />years, and nol a party fo or inieresled'm the above <br />entitled maHer. am the principal oerk of {he <br />primer of the Register, a newspaper of general cir? <br />cola}ion, published in the Ciiy of Santa Ana, County <br />of Oraoga, and which newspaper has been adjudged <br />a newspaper of general oirculatloo 6y the Superior <br />Corr} o! the Cuwdy' of Orange, Stoic o{Cali{omia, <br />under {ha date of November 29, 1905, Case Num• <br />ber A11?46; Ihal fhR notice of whlah {he annexed <br />is a printed copy, has been pu611shed in each reg? <br />ular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in <br />any suppeman{ Ihereo{ on the following dal¢s, {o• <br />wJ; <br />Pesfa Clipping of <br />Notire <br />SECUEELY <br />nonta irrvalea Dios I. <br />e'0'I'ICB 19 711;IlB;'?I' ?6'EN' <br />Illar eurnr,l rp mi r+da nl ILe <br />fiix Cw,N4 el ife U'?u rr tan N' <br />due, lhillornly. @e hir vilr re., <br />rain ar ron nBn n(ihe Pnrrluu' <br />'nx demo in R.„yin laV m Ylm l2rv I <br />hail,117 Rmil? IIoln Ftrrel, aanln I <br />Ana, lAllorn;+. ..n av nelm¢ the <br />hour of 11??i nr?, nn neknrnLer? <br />II, Ifiil mated rail or ornponR for <br />Tmieft fa13-i anaWCiiod of Uly i <br />eau ; <br />Xafh M1id nnut be male. on e <br />lane orm'Idni Im ti,e Umpnse,' <br />m,¢I m ondn+ttl, I?hep girl, <br />ma iw?n,im, o, n. a?md eru`,?,nal <br />addrev,d In @e I°larl,ndn? d'epl, i <br />rilh IhP emrmpa Aeanv,'tYel <br />acme and r¢bnn xadt? of the ?. <br />?mdder anp uragr? mxrxef <br />°md hr 11viv^r pG1- <br />..,,,nf 1 7 1"np <br />I I <br />I cerlily for dedarel under pe¢alfy of perjury fhah <br />{ha {oregaing is Irue and correct. <br />Executed a} $an{a Ana, California, <br />Dele .......,. u t Qy ........... , 19....70. <br />?2 <br />?} 1', Ipnalwa . <br />,9. ir19 <br />SP IdI P?T?? ?? ???????°v. <br />r aim me paps'. <br />?? nl?aft? Inv Ilitl nr IIIP Lalgv <br />Ide I'IV himdl nl Om Cllv <br />n,n Ina puv euenainetl Ilse <br />,inR rA6: or )^r alfnl P'PPPA <br />pl, ern n. ??r'rpr of n?prkinan <br />rhazuc na lA m ezem,u Ids?? <br />rn to l.t m Nahllnhra ay <br />,rlrm \h tlllu?.. <br />n Ina muu i?a. neeomvanied <br />Ja, A Un9P1A n[ 0`f{IIAA <br />ni2'A,[ 191ne rll4' n Wlllb <br />p(0. hla drn?, ni' AA 0.1n0un! <br />=n O,nn @n ynrren! (Ip`,1 <br />? sxencvL• pf ,be nN, a a, <br />nl=e Ihxt Ide 5ihdnr mill <br />faro Ide Ornp?yen mnirapl <br />i'flIU816 BtiAldpa IA xlAl? <br />IIITAYIn.v' nG LIAFfbIR4', <br />041andiilc un,v albs pep ' <br />p pl' iv. unu„ r.he Jpim <br />lap Aalhorlirr sM1nil Ln Ihs <br />.muvee of runu< for pgvn,ent <br />xll mark rn M1, dm;%aml nll <br />ma M nny kind u'nx?werar Imt <br />L•, vwae uudtt Nis deco. <br />4 rtfi¢ mumv,?iim, mnvucp, <br />Ilse lh?nm dull nave po <br />,mere arni?.; ,m m np h, nuY <br />? ?.,n net urtlrlp. rtnrk to M. <br />for ripld duo arz nny Ni,a pngv <br />In me drvnt Pna+rv demmn6 <br />i??Ia? l.?ra Pa,'?iiailllVnld Ln<SPf <br />u'iU <br />1 r CI inRr 1??f 6Y <br />?FI'IArrp! 1' nll?it fn,il"Aflpl <br />LLplf <br />Pile'?>?Y '? ? ?Ild 4"rdAl (i?a <br />na r ransY ,rl yard <br />1 r, a aua l r nha <br />le ? , r,?,.? vhr <br />n.i lm, I e:arv<d Ir usurp <br />?h?.,a pep?rm,.. <br />'I'Ma enrf- a to he dons in as <br />rmrda„er, ,ran the plan; pi.dlNp <br />?aua,nainnv nr the rnp n[ <br />nano inn mi Ih• in lie linnprb <br />?uu?ni nt l'nnln. 11'orkr. ITe Uip? <br />.i fpode?l r?rvev lW naM ro rf. <br />rluV wiv or all nWa. <br />I ?'-- ?y'ee .n'+ r. ?,nq n1nn..nd <br />?e ? ? .1,.w,? <br />, ll nl ,?. Ir „nq <br />nl +i, <br />l ^ ?, <br />??. <br />1 I'I, n1? <br />I?r I ,Jly .u,i <br />Fr;PY4at <br />u <br />...,b,?s+, i