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12349 <br />?1,, 9466??310 <br />RESOhUTIPN 06`'I1ti BOA10) UP SUIBF.V1901;5 OF <br />GUNGE COIIIRTY, CNd?FOGGJIA <br />June ..0, 1910 <br />On motion of Suporvison° Battin, duly seconded and o+Irrie-d, tha <br />S??I following Resolution wars adopted; <br />BE IT EESOhVED that tho Chaiemail of Chl.n Bnzrd be and is hereby <br />authorized, to execute the P,mendnent to Jo.nt Exercisn of Pnwers <br />Agreement Betlaeen the City of Santa Ana aat- CPIC ('ounty of OraL?.ge <br />Ceeating tho Orange Co!+nty Civia Center Authority, datul Juno 10, 1910, <br />far. the ezthange of propeety in the. civic canter to rroommnd?ate the <br />needs of the City and tha County, and thrl Clock o.E this Board is <br />direeted to attost to same. <br />w <br />m, <br />Zi <br />o?' <br />po <br />,?u <br />u? <br />'?F° <br />,o=? <br />?o <br />0 <br />u <br />i9 <br />1 <br />FREE <br />RECOROEO Ai REOUESi OF <br />FlRSr INER. TIRE INS CR. <br />IN OFFICIAL RECD°OS OF <br />ORANSE COUXfY, CALIF. <br />ROOAN NOV 2019N <br />l WYIE 6RRIYEE, County RRCaRRa <br />AYES; SUPERVISORS ROBEtT W, DATTTN, WIIIIAM J, YNIIIIPS, E;M, <br />NIESTEIN, AND AETC?J E, AIEGN <br />NOES; SUPERVISORS NONE <br />ABSENT; SUPE[IVISDRS DAVID 1, PIKER <br />STATE OF CAEIFOMIIA <br />ss. <br />COUNTY OF ORANGE <br />I, W, E, ST JOHN, County Clerk and ex•officio Clerk of the <br />Board of Supervisors of Orange County, California, hereby certify that <br />the ahove and foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted by the <br />said Board at a regular muting thereof held on the 10th day of <br />June , 19IQ? , andL.passed by a unan9.mous` vote of avid <br />oar momhors peeaent,' <br />IN WITNESS WHE2EOF, I have hereunto set my'hand and seal this <br />10th day of --June _, 19_;0, <br />W. E, ti'1' JOHN <br />County Clerk and ez-officio Clerk <br />of the Board of Supervisors of <br />Orange County, California <br />Pxm rlesoiutian No, 10.6G1 <br />Amendmenk to Jo1nt powers Rgroo, • BY?" c ? ?? ?? <br />Exchange of Cl.vic Center Property eputy