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A-2011-062 <br />COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE <br />COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY <br />AND THE CITY OF SANTA ANA FOR THE <br />PAYMENT OF COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH CERTAIN <br />REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FUNDED <br />PROJECTS/PROGRAMS <br />THIS COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT is entered into this 7"' day of March, 2011, by and <br />between the COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SANTA ANA, a <br />public body corporate and politic (the "Agency"), and the CITY OF SANTA ANA, a charter city <br />and municipal corporation duly organized and existing under the Constitution and laws of the State <br />of California (the "City"). <br />WITNESSETH <br />'v Y A. The Agency is undertaking certain activities necessary for the execution of the City <br />of Santa Ana redevelopment projects (the "Projects") under the provisions of the California <br />Community Redevelopment Law (Health and Safety Code Section 33000 et seq.) ("CRL') and <br />pursuant to the Redevelopment Plan for the Projects. <br />B. The intent of the Redevelopment Plan is, in part, to provide for the construction and <br />installation of necessary public infrastructure and facilities and to facilitate the repair, restoration <br />and/or replacement of existing public facilities and to perform specific actions necessary to promote <br />the redevelopment and the economic revitalization of the Project Areas; to increase, improve and <br />preserve the community's supply of low and moderate income housing, some of which may be <br />located or implemented outside the Project Areas; and to take all other necessary actions to <br />implement the redevelopment plans for the respective Project Areas and to expend tax increment to <br />accomplish the goals and objectives of the respective redevelopment projects. <br />C. The Agency has adopted its Five-Year Implementation Plan (2010/11-2014/15) <br />for the Merged Project Area, as amended from time to time (the "Implementation Plan"), with <br />established goals to support affordable housing, economic development, community <br />revitalization, and institutional revitalization. To implement the projects, programs and activities <br />associated with each goal (`Projects"), the Agency has made redevelopment fund commitments <br />based on estimated available tax increment revenue and debt financing structures. <br />D. The Agency and City of Santa Ana (the "City") wish to cooperate with one <br />another to bring about the redevelopment of the Project Area and accomplish various projects <br />and programs set forth in the Redevelopment Plan and the Implementation Plan, Pursuant to <br />Section 33220 of the Community Redevelopment Law (Health and Safety Code section 33000, <br />et seq.) (the "CRL") certain public bodies, including the City may aid and cooperate in the <br />planning, undertaking, construction, or operation of redevelopment projects. <br />E. In considering the Agency's desire to ensure timely implementation and