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Appendix A - Proposal Response Form <br />(Fill in this form or submit a separate response which addresses each item.) <br />Proposal <br />for <br />Qualified Vendors <br />to Provide <br />Telephone System <br />and /or <br />Voicemail System Maintenance <br />for <br />The City of Santa Ana <br />Section 1. Transmittal Letter <br />Proposing Vendors will include a transmittal letter which may, at their discretion,- contain any <br />introductory information that the Vendor feels is relevant. <br />Section 2. Services Proposal <br />Name of Proposing Flrm: <br />Proposer's Principal Location: <br />Proposer's Location that will service the Clty: <br />Contact Name for Proposal: <br />Phone Number: <br />Fax Number: <br />email address <br />Please submit answers to the following questions <br />(Note: Proposer may attach additional pages as Headed to complete responses.) <br />GENERAL <br />(To be completed by all Proposers) <br />1. Short summary description of the organization. {ref. section 6.2.c} <br />2. Short summary description of the ownership. {ref. section 6.2.c} <br />19 <br />