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AGREEMENT FOR PROVISION OF <br />PROFESSIONAL SERVICES <br />THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this I` day of August, 2011 by and between <br />Cordoba Corporation, a California corporation (hereinafter "Consultant"), and the City of Santa Ana, a <br />charter city and municipal corporation organized and existing under the Constitution and laws of the State <br />of California (hereinafter "City"). <br />RECITALS <br />A. City desires to retain a consultant having special skill and demonstrated knowledge in preparing <br />the following documents required by the Federal Transit Administration (hereinafter "FTA") for <br />projects seeking New Starts or Small Starts funding: <br />1. New Starts Templates and Applications <br />2. Project Management Plans consistent with 49 USC 5327 and 49 CFR 633 <br />3. Safety and Security Management Plans in accordance with FTA Circular C 5800.1 <br />4. Draft Fleet Management Plans consistent with FTA Circular 9030.11) <br />5. Quality Management Plans consistent with FTA's Quality Assurance and Quality Control <br />Guidelines (February 2002) <br />6. Real Estate Management Plans which fully comply with 49 CFR Part 24 and FTA's <br />"Model for Development of a Real Estate Management Plan" <br />7. Investment Grade Ridership Forecasts <br />8. FTA Summit Analyses using FTA Summit software <br />B. Consultant represents that Consultant is able and willing to provide such services to the City. <br />C. In undertaking the performance of this Agreement, Consultant represents that it is <br />knowledgeable in its field and that any services performed by Consultant under this Agreement <br />will be performed in compliance with such standards as may reasonably be expected from a <br />professional consulting firm in the field. <br />NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual and respective promises, and subject to the terms <br />and conditions hereinafter set forth, the parties agree as follows: <br />1. SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />a. Scope of Work. Consultant shall prepare the Pre-Preliminary Engineering Analysis studies <br />for the Santa Ana-Garden Grove Fixed Guideway Project. Said services shall be provided as set forth in <br />City's Request for Proposals 11-025, attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated by reference, and <br />Consultant's Proposal dated June 1, 2011, attached hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated by reference. <br />b. Time for Performance. Consultant shall perform and complete all services as may be <br />requested pursuant to the Scope of Work in a timely and expeditious manner. Consultant shall perform <br />such services in accordance with the schedules which Consultant and City may mutually agree as to any <br />particular deliverable, study, job or analysis. In the event that Consultant determines that a proposed <br />schedule for work as requested by the City is not possible or achievable, Consultant shall immediately <br />Exhibit 2 <br />25D-5